Thursday, August 2, 2012

Well poop, I had some really cute pictures that I was going to post today, but I'm on my sucky Netbook computer and it doesn't allow me to post pictures BOO!  I'm still trying to post them from my phone too, but the only success with pics so far has been on Glenn's "real" computer.  I'm in bed right now, and I love y'all, but I'm not getting out of bed to get it.  So I guess the pictures will come with the next post.

The last couple of days, Eliseo has been home all day again, but he goes back to Janelle tomorrow for 1/2 day.  He has been absolutely fantastic.  Glenn has been sleeping with him in the mornings and I've been able to keep him with me in the afternoons.  Granted, I haven't gotten into the full swing of work yet, so I can keep up as long as I have 1 hand to type with.  I love watching Glenn and Eliseo cuddle in the morning.  They sleep chest to chest, as Eliseo loves to do and it warms my heart to come down the stairs and see my 2 favorite people looking so cute and happy together.  I finally brought the pack n play upstairs today after work.  I had a lot of clutter to find places for, and my motto is "don't do it til you can do it right."  I'm not gonna lie, a lot of stuff never gets started ;).  But E kept me company (watching the olympics, mens volleyball this time) as I filed, shredded and organized.  I love the feeling of accomplishment when I take on and finish a project that has been on my to do list for a long time.  So, tomorrow, no baby in the morning, and my office is organized.  I should have a stellar morning.

We practiced holding our head up in the Bumbo seat more today, he almost has it!  When I first sit him in there, he bounces and nods his head a lot but he can keep it up....then he gets tired and it falls to the side.  He loves the Bumbo because he can sit up and see everything (although, sometimes a good 1/2 hour on the floor is all he needs).  We finished up the night with a bath and folding up clean laundry.  By the end of the night, he was ready to go to here we are...E fell asleep watching his favorite (women's gymnastics) while nursing and I'm writing this blog.  Until now...G'nite!!!

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