Friday, August 24, 2012

It started with a blowout...

Well if it was gonna happen it did yesterday! The day was going well, productive day at work even with Eliseo home all day. He was his normal sleepy self, maybe even a little more so since Grammy left yesterday since we were at her house late the night before. I was planning on going to my yoga class, Glenn was supposed to have the night off, but he got called into work so I had to find a sitter or forfeit class (which I cannot afford to do...still need to lose those last 5 pounds!). My friend Heather so graciously, and maybe somewhat excitedly said she could watch him. So the plan was to have Eliseo to her by 5:30, make sure he was hungry so I could feed him right before class (those floor cobra poses can be killer with a full chest) and get there by 6:30. It was all going well, until I was ready to take Eliseo out of his bouncy seat where he was patiently waiting as I got ready....and sure enough we had a blowout situation! Full on, up the back, bath may be necessary blowout. So I changed his diaper, wiped him down head to toe, changed his onesie and headed downstairs, now a little behind schedule. Put him in the car seat, went to grab my keys and run out the door....where are my keys??? They have my yoga check in tag on them...I'm pretty sure they will still let me in, but I also need my keys to start the truck and lock the door. Way back when, I had made key sets for Glenn and I, since we interchangeably use our vehicles depending on who has the longer drive (car gets much better gas mileage as you can imagine). I was really annoyed when Glenn took his apart, separating his car and truck keys because he said they were "too big." But I sure was happy he did that yesterday because I had the spare set of truck keys and the garage door opener. So after looking for a good 10 minutes for my keys, I gave up and grabbed his spare set. Now I'm really behind. My phone rings, its Heather making sure I didn't think she was coming to my house since I was supposed to be there 15 minutes ago. Now my phone locks up. Cant answer. Stupid phone! So I have to pop out the battery just to make sure she wasn't calling for another reason. Pop out battery, load up car, wait for phone to be done booting, grab patiently waiting, unfed baby, call, just checking since you are late. Ok, on my way. I'm out the door, forgot my water...need that for 110 degree yoga class. Back in the house, fill water bottle, dogs (dogsitting cousin's dog) going crazy hoping I've come back in to invite them to go for a ride. Still have to drop off baby, still unfed. Better get some extra milk for the bottle since apparently I'm not feeding him myself. Dreading cobra poses. Dogs go crazy once again. Blood pressure going 5:40 and I'm on the road. Luckily I experienced no traffic delays even though I caught about every light as often happens when you run late. Got him dropped off by 6 and I made it to yoga 15 minutes early...go figure!  They let me in with no tag. I sucked up the discomfort of the boulders on my chest :). WHEW!!!
Thankfully I had a great class and glad I went.

I got back to Heather's to pick up the baby by 8:30, she left him a little hungry for me so I could feed him as soon as I got home. Grabbed sunglasses and put them on my head since it was dark now and headed home. Of course, he fell asleep on the car ride home. I get home and start gathering stuff to bring inside and see my sunglasses in the console, reach up to the top of my head, yep, I stole Heather's prescription sunglasses! I waited about 10 minutes staring at the baby, willing him to wake up so he can relieve me. Why is he sleeping still, he's supposed to be hungry! Getting ready to solve my own problem, I heard him stir. Thank goodness! Sat down to feed him, dogs are going crazy in the backyard as the neighbors let out their dog. I don't care

I found my keys this morning...upstairs at my desk??? Heather is coming to get her glasses any minute. My cousin is coming to pick up the dog today. All is right with the world.


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