Sunday, August 19, 2012

Another busy weekend!

I can't believe the weekend is over already! I'm going to bed super late tonight so I will be brief.  I woke up early both Saturday and Sunday so I feel like I maximized my that! I will fight waking up at 7 am during the week to drag myself up to work, but when I can wake up that early on a weekend I welcome it! Most of the time, anyway. 

I spent much of the weekend with my mom. Saturday was my parents' 50th wedding anniversary.  My Daddy may not be here on Earth anymore, but my mom is still 100% devoted to him. I knew it would be a hard day for her, so we rented some movies and enjoyed some time together.

Today we went to the Festival of the Little Hills in St. Charles, though I don't recall seeing any little hills. It was a gorgeous day for it! We didn't do too much damage in the shopping department, at least not there...we wont talk about the subsequent Target trip.  But I did get some Christmas presents bought! This is a way big head start for me and rarely happens! The festival was on Main Street and the road is made of brick, Eliseo was a big fan of the bumpiness that it provided, put him right to sleep!

Some new developments with him, he is laughing and "talking" now, its so adorable! I have a video on my phone and I can't post it here, the file is too large to email so I'll have to figure something out or try to catch it on my tablet so I can post it. It's SOOOOO CUTE!!! I can't believe how big he is now and how much he's growing up already. Might I add, as the proud mom, that he is the best, happiest boy. Since I've figured out the key to his happiness is through his tummy, he hardly cries anymore. I should have known, he takes after his daddy!

Time for bed for me, I know I'll be sorry in the morning...7am comes too quick, especially on a Monday. BOOO!!

I leave you with a couple of pictures from the festival. Glad we brought a hat to block out the sun!

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