Thursday, August 9, 2012

Week 2 back to work: almost done!

2 weeks of being back to work and we are sort of settling into a routine. We've taken Eliseo to daycare 4 times now and the report is always the same: he slept until 11 and then ate 3 oz. And he's always sleeping when he gets home. He does the same thing at home though. We consider this the trial run before we really need the 5 days a week. I've been taking him upstairs to work with me the days he stays home in the mornings, and he sleeps in the pack and play keeping me company (see pic).  He really hasn't given me any reason not to spend the day with him while I work so I've been letting Glenn sleep in the afternoons.

We've had some visitors this week. Grammy is in town and brought all of the gifts we got at our Eliseo party on Michigan. I blogged about this earlier in the week but it is stuck in "publishing" status and I cant get to it. So...I guess that blog will be stuck in cyberspace forever. Aunt Sue (Doo doo) is here too so we've been spending a lot of time together. It's so nice to have my family all around us. I feel like Eliseo benefits so much from spending time with them.

Well, sorry for such an informational post, just living the life...and absolutely loving it. G'nite all!

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