Tuesday, August 7, 2012

What's In a Name

Some of you might be wondering how we decided upon the unusual name we came up with for our little boy.  Was it on the list of strange celebrity names?  Are we trying to be trendy?  Actually, quite the opposite, the name we chose for Eliseo goes back generations in Glenn's family.

Eliseo (el-e-SAY-o):  it's easy people!  Just please don't say Elise and add an O...that's not how it goes.  My uncle says he remembers it by thinking of the name Galilao (as in the Queen song Bohemian Rhapsody:  Galilo Figaro...LOL). Empahsis goes on the SAY part.  So let's say it together again:  el-e-SAY-o.  Today's lesson is over.  It is the spanish version of Elijah.  I love biblical names, and I love tradition, this is Glenn's grandfather's name, was almost Glenn's first name, but it actually IS Glenn's middle name.

Eliseo as a boy's name is a variant of Elisha (Hebrew), and the meaning of Eliseo is "God is my salvation".

Middle name:  William.  Well, this is an easy one!  William was my late, GREAT father's name and was a complete no brainer.  I would have liked some version of William as a first name (I think Will), but it is quite a popular name in my immediate family, as in my brother and his son are both Williams (Bill, Billys).  I love and miss my daddy so much, I would love nothing more than for him to have known his grandson, and for his grandson to know him.  I know he is looking down from heaven with love at his namesake. 

I am a traditional girl, and I feel like we have somewhat broken a tradition by not naming our first son after his father, as is the Mexican tradition, but Glenn and I just didn't jive with naming our son "Glenn."  We both love the name Eliseo, and I hope we didn't do our baby a disservice by naming him something that he'll have to explain his whole life.  Maybe he just needs a flashcard pinned to him at all times.  But, the name stands, and there is nothing short, no nicknames.  Y'all just need to learn it.

One more time: El-e-SAY-o.  Happy learning!

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