Thursday, August 30, 2012

I'm a slacker

Hi everyone, if there is anyone out there. I've been such a slacker with the blogging this week.  I guess things have just been pretty quiet.  Last Saturday E and I had a chance to go have dinner with Daddy at work, so we took advantage of that. He's gotten to be such a good boy, he just hangs out in his car seat while we are eating.  Eliseo , Jessie, Dylan and I were supposed to go to Grants farm on Sunday, unfortunately my yoga class took up too much of the morning, having to feed the baby and shower when I got home and we ran out of time. Boo. This week has just been business as usual..except Glenn has been working a bunch of secondary shifts. Probably the reason I haven't been blogging, E and I have been spending so much time together. We are planning a Phoenix trip for September so the extra money is not going to hurt.  Time to bring the kid West and show him off a little.

See, I warned you it was boring. Sometimes boring is good. I leave you with the most recent pictures of my little man.

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