Saturday, August 4, 2012


Eliseo had a fun playdate today! He went over to his friend Jacob's house. He's known Jacob since even before he was born, in fact he visited him in the hospital (10 days before E was born). Even though Jacob is only about 2 weeks older, he was almost 3 lbs heavier than Eliseo when he was born. When we went to see him, I remember being very scared that a creature possibly this large was lurking in my tummy and it was going to come out very soon (sorry Em!).  The first time the boys were together it was hard to believe that they were almost the same age since E was such a peanut. But he's caught up in weight a little bit. Jacob still has a pound or so on him but it wasn't as noticeable as last time. Poor Jacob has been suffering with reflux and has had troubles with keeping his food down which has kept his mommy worried about him. These boys are so similar in their personalities, they are going to be besties!  We spent 3 hours at Jacob's house while their daddies were at drill today, then he and his family came over to our house for dinner! It was an all day playdate, what a great day!  The extent of their playing was leaning on each other on the couch...but you gotta start somewhere right? Anyway, his mommy and I thought it was pretty adorable so the cameras came out. We cant wait for our next date!

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