Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Ok, I admit it, I'm a total wuss about bedtime.  I have no immediate plans to move Eliseo into his own bedroom. My mom saved a beautiful cradle for us that she had from my sister's kids and my plan was for him to sleep in it next to the bed until he was sleeping through the night. Well, I didn't consider that at first he might not like it. For the first 6 weeks we tried to get him to sleep in the cradle but he just wasn't having it. Up and down, in and out of the cradle for a month and a half at night and we would wind up either up all night until he passed out (when morning rolled around), or we would wind up falling asleep rocking/ nursing him ( which would scare the crap out of me). Finally we succumbed to putting him to sleep in the boppy pillow on the bed. I wasn't really comfortable with this and would wake up in paranoia 20 times a night, but at least the baby and Daddy were sleeping. I decided to buy a side sleeper that fit in the bed (sort of anyway since we only have a queen).  It is designed to put up against the headboard in between our pillows. So much for cuddling with my hubby...but it worked! Eliseo loved it and started sleeping 5-6 hours a night. So we slept with this thing in between us...we'll maybe Glenn slept more on the couch. Working opposite shifts, we don't sleep much at the same time anyway. So I had a brilliant idea...to move the side sleeper into the cradle. Well guess what? It worked too! So now Eliseo is out of the bed, back to his cradle inside the sleeper, sleeping now 5-7 hours a night and Glenn and I get to cuddle again.  Just this weekend, I finally tried putting him to bed before me so that I could clean up around the house without having to keep him entertained and he did wonderfully with this new development.

So what's next? The big move upstairs, I guess. I'm just no way near ready.  Our bedroom is on the main level, and his room is far, far away up the stairs! Now anyone who knows me knows I love my sleep, I'm not dragging my butt up the stairs in the middle of the night in the rare event that he wakes up and wants to nurse, especially on Glenn's work nights when it's just me and E. I really want to swap bedrooms with the comparably sized guest room on the second level. There are a lot of things to consider if we do this, I think it would be worth it, but maybe I'll get over my wussiness in a few months. In the meantime, I'll celebrate the baby steps I have made so far.  I swear I'll have him out of our room before he turns 18.

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