Friday, August 31, 2012

Edward Scissorhands

My poor baby has managed to scratch up his face so bad :(. It looks like he was on the losing end of a fight with Edward Scissorhands. He's still the cutest baby on the planet though. Glenn and I are going to the Toby Keith concert tomorrow, I guess despite the fact that it is supposed to rain all day. I'm not so looking forward to being away from my munchkin. I'm already trying to find excuses to not go or get home early. But I think it will be good to enjoy a night out with Glenn and friends. Just gotta remember the pump...good times.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

I'm a slacker

Hi everyone, if there is anyone out there. I've been such a slacker with the blogging this week.  I guess things have just been pretty quiet.  Last Saturday E and I had a chance to go have dinner with Daddy at work, so we took advantage of that. He's gotten to be such a good boy, he just hangs out in his car seat while we are eating.  Eliseo , Jessie, Dylan and I were supposed to go to Grants farm on Sunday, unfortunately my yoga class took up too much of the morning, having to feed the baby and shower when I got home and we ran out of time. Boo. This week has just been business as usual..except Glenn has been working a bunch of secondary shifts. Probably the reason I haven't been blogging, E and I have been spending so much time together. We are planning a Phoenix trip for September so the extra money is not going to hurt.  Time to bring the kid West and show him off a little.

See, I warned you it was boring. Sometimes boring is good. I leave you with the most recent pictures of my little man.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Oh no, I'm turning into my mother

There are few things I enjoy more than doing Eliseo's laundry.  I love having to change his outfits several times a day so that I can get through all of his cute stuff faster (although I'm too practical to change them unless they are actually dirty).  But what has me realy freaking out is that now I've started ironing eveything too.  I haven't ironed my own laundry since I've been working full time from home...but I love ironing every last thing of his, including blankets and sheets.  My friends used to make fun of my mom for ironing our underwear and socks....but now I find myself with a loaded iron....GAH!!!!  But now I love how it looks....his receiving blankets all folded up perfectly, burp cloths (I told you I have a problem), towels, washcloths....I need an ironers anonymous.  Maybe I'm turning into my mother, it wouldn't be such a bad thing.  I'm actually jealous these days when I go into her linen closet and it's so pretty.  She rotates sheets...puts the clean ones on the bottom, and keeps the sets on the same rotation, so you can grab a fitted sheet from the fitted sheet pile (and the fitted ones are perfectly folded and flat!), a flat sheet from the flat sheet pile, and 2 pillowcases from the pillowcase pile, and they all match.  I wish I had that kind of patience, motivation and diligence.  Maybe having Eliseo is all I needed to get my sheets together...Hahaha....OK that was funny, you have to admit it :p.



Saturday, August 25, 2012

Gimme that monkey!

Eliseo is definitely starting to notice objects and he's starting to try to hold them. He sees the toys hanging from his bouncy seat, pack n play, swing and things we shake in front of his face like rattles and teethers. Before now he saw motions but didn't focus on them or try to hold them. I see him noticing his feet when he's wearing socks and he is getting better hand - eye coordination.  My little baby is growing up :(. Or :) I haven't decided yet!

On a different topic, I bought Eliseo a couple new outfits yesterday. Most of the clothes I've gotten were gifts or handed down, so I haven't really gotten to go shopping for him. I fell in love with the Carter's little monster stuff so I bought a few things. Too cute! Mommy's little monster!

Friday, August 24, 2012

It started with a blowout...

Well if it was gonna happen it did yesterday! The day was going well, productive day at work even with Eliseo home all day. He was his normal sleepy self, maybe even a little more so since Grammy left yesterday since we were at her house late the night before. I was planning on going to my yoga class, Glenn was supposed to have the night off, but he got called into work so I had to find a sitter or forfeit class (which I cannot afford to do...still need to lose those last 5 pounds!). My friend Heather so graciously, and maybe somewhat excitedly said she could watch him. So the plan was to have Eliseo to her by 5:30, make sure he was hungry so I could feed him right before class (those floor cobra poses can be killer with a full chest) and get there by 6:30. It was all going well, until I was ready to take Eliseo out of his bouncy seat where he was patiently waiting as I got ready....and sure enough we had a blowout situation! Full on, up the back, bath may be necessary blowout. So I changed his diaper, wiped him down head to toe, changed his onesie and headed downstairs, now a little behind schedule. Put him in the car seat, went to grab my keys and run out the door....where are my keys??? They have my yoga check in tag on them...I'm pretty sure they will still let me in, but I also need my keys to start the truck and lock the door. Way back when, I had made key sets for Glenn and I, since we interchangeably use our vehicles depending on who has the longer drive (car gets much better gas mileage as you can imagine). I was really annoyed when Glenn took his apart, separating his car and truck keys because he said they were "too big." But I sure was happy he did that yesterday because I had the spare set of truck keys and the garage door opener. So after looking for a good 10 minutes for my keys, I gave up and grabbed his spare set. Now I'm really behind. My phone rings, its Heather making sure I didn't think she was coming to my house since I was supposed to be there 15 minutes ago. Now my phone locks up. Cant answer. Stupid phone! So I have to pop out the battery just to make sure she wasn't calling for another reason. Pop out battery, load up car, wait for phone to be done booting, grab patiently waiting, unfed baby, call, just checking since you are late. Ok, on my way. I'm out the door, forgot my water...need that for 110 degree yoga class. Back in the house, fill water bottle, dogs (dogsitting cousin's dog) going crazy hoping I've come back in to invite them to go for a ride. Still have to drop off baby, still unfed. Better get some extra milk for the bottle since apparently I'm not feeding him myself. Dreading cobra poses. Dogs go crazy once again. Blood pressure going 5:40 and I'm on the road. Luckily I experienced no traffic delays even though I caught about every light as often happens when you run late. Got him dropped off by 6 and I made it to yoga 15 minutes early...go figure!  They let me in with no tag. I sucked up the discomfort of the boulders on my chest :). WHEW!!!
Thankfully I had a great class and glad I went.

I got back to Heather's to pick up the baby by 8:30, she left him a little hungry for me so I could feed him as soon as I got home. Grabbed sunglasses and put them on my head since it was dark now and headed home. Of course, he fell asleep on the car ride home. I get home and start gathering stuff to bring inside and see my sunglasses in the console, reach up to the top of my head, yep, I stole Heather's prescription sunglasses! I waited about 10 minutes staring at the baby, willing him to wake up so he can relieve me. Why is he sleeping still, he's supposed to be hungry! Getting ready to solve my own problem, I heard him stir. Thank goodness! Sat down to feed him, dogs are going crazy in the backyard as the neighbors let out their dog. I don't care

I found my keys this morning...upstairs at my desk??? Heather is coming to get her glasses any minute. My cousin is coming to pick up the dog today. All is right with the world.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Ok, I admit it, I'm a total wuss about bedtime.  I have no immediate plans to move Eliseo into his own bedroom. My mom saved a beautiful cradle for us that she had from my sister's kids and my plan was for him to sleep in it next to the bed until he was sleeping through the night. Well, I didn't consider that at first he might not like it. For the first 6 weeks we tried to get him to sleep in the cradle but he just wasn't having it. Up and down, in and out of the cradle for a month and a half at night and we would wind up either up all night until he passed out (when morning rolled around), or we would wind up falling asleep rocking/ nursing him ( which would scare the crap out of me). Finally we succumbed to putting him to sleep in the boppy pillow on the bed. I wasn't really comfortable with this and would wake up in paranoia 20 times a night, but at least the baby and Daddy were sleeping. I decided to buy a side sleeper that fit in the bed (sort of anyway since we only have a queen).  It is designed to put up against the headboard in between our pillows. So much for cuddling with my hubby...but it worked! Eliseo loved it and started sleeping 5-6 hours a night. So we slept with this thing in between us...we'll maybe Glenn slept more on the couch. Working opposite shifts, we don't sleep much at the same time anyway. So I had a brilliant move the side sleeper into the cradle. Well guess what? It worked too! So now Eliseo is out of the bed, back to his cradle inside the sleeper, sleeping now 5-7 hours a night and Glenn and I get to cuddle again.  Just this weekend, I finally tried putting him to bed before me so that I could clean up around the house without having to keep him entertained and he did wonderfully with this new development.

So what's next? The big move upstairs, I guess. I'm just no way near ready.  Our bedroom is on the main level, and his room is far, far away up the stairs! Now anyone who knows me knows I love my sleep, I'm not dragging my butt up the stairs in the middle of the night in the rare event that he wakes up and wants to nurse, especially on Glenn's work nights when it's just me and E. I really want to swap bedrooms with the comparably sized guest room on the second level. There are a lot of things to consider if we do this, I think it would be worth it, but maybe I'll get over my wussiness in a few months. In the meantime, I'll celebrate the baby steps I have made so far.  I swear I'll have him out of our room before he turns 18.

Monday, August 20, 2012

If nothing else at least a picture...or some!

Thought I'd post some pictures from the last few days since I'm too lazy/tired to blog tonight. Enjoy!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Another busy weekend!

I can't believe the weekend is over already! I'm going to bed super late tonight so I will be brief.  I woke up early both Saturday and Sunday so I feel like I maximized my that! I will fight waking up at 7 am during the week to drag myself up to work, but when I can wake up that early on a weekend I welcome it! Most of the time, anyway. 

I spent much of the weekend with my mom. Saturday was my parents' 50th wedding anniversary.  My Daddy may not be here on Earth anymore, but my mom is still 100% devoted to him. I knew it would be a hard day for her, so we rented some movies and enjoyed some time together.

Today we went to the Festival of the Little Hills in St. Charles, though I don't recall seeing any little hills. It was a gorgeous day for it! We didn't do too much damage in the shopping department, at least not there...we wont talk about the subsequent Target trip.  But I did get some Christmas presents bought! This is a way big head start for me and rarely happens! The festival was on Main Street and the road is made of brick, Eliseo was a big fan of the bumpiness that it provided, put him right to sleep!

Some new developments with him, he is laughing and "talking" now, its so adorable! I have a video on my phone and I can't post it here, the file is too large to email so I'll have to figure something out or try to catch it on my tablet so I can post it. It's SOOOOO CUTE!!! I can't believe how big he is now and how much he's growing up already. Might I add, as the proud mom, that he is the best, happiest boy. Since I've figured out the key to his happiness is through his tummy, he hardly cries anymore. I should have known, he takes after his daddy!

Time for bed for me, I know I'll be sorry in the morning...7am comes too quick, especially on a Monday. BOOO!!

I leave you with a couple of pictures from the festival. Glad we brought a hat to block out the sun!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

God gave me the best gift.

Happy birthday to Mommy!  Yesterday was my 38th (ugh) birthday, it was a pretty good one.  I haven't made a big deal over my birthday in a while, usually for me the best ones are the quiet ones.  I went to work, had a busy day there, then went to my yoga class (where they sang happy birthday to me during the triangle pose, LOL), and went out to dinner with Mom, Glenn and Eliseo.  But it was a day of gratitude for me.  Days go by as we go through life, and sometimes I get so busy, I forget to take a look around and realize how wonderful mine is.  It's days like yesterday that cause me to take the step back and really realize how blessed I am.  I have an awesome husband that I'm totally in love with, this amazing child that has taken over our lives, and a family that loves us all, near and far.  Does it get better?  I got some nice gifts for my birthday, but God gave me the best gift of all: our miracle Eliseo and the life that I am living.  Below are a couple of pictures at dinner, the promised family picture (although E wasn't interested in looking at the camera) and a pic with Mom.  Life is good, God is good!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Trying to roll over

Not much excitement today, but Eliseo is getting really close to rolling over. He kept attempting it today but couldn't get past his shoulder. I finally helped him out by putting his arm down by his side...then once he rolled I asked him what he was going to do now? He yawned at me and was asleep about 5 seconds later. I'm not comfortable with him sleeping on his tummy at night yet, but he was in the pack and play next to me so I could keep an eye on him the whole time. So cute with his butt up in the air!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Helping Mommy work

Oh the fun we've been having!

I made a deal with myself that I was going to give experiences to Eliseo. I want him to get the most out of life. I want to go places, see things, do things with him. It's been a busy summer so far. In his short life so far, he has been in 7 states! I've been looking for things around St. Louis to do, so we've been to parades and fairs and concerts to name a few. Even better is doing these things with friends and family.

Sunday we went to a winery with the family: me and E (daddy had to work), Mom, Aunt Sue, Aunt Colleen, Uncle Mort, nephew Justin and GF Brooke, cousin Robbie and wife Carrie with their daughter Katie. I did indulge in half a glass of wine but was more about the ambiance.  Live music which I love, sunshine and good company. E slept most of the time but he did wake up for some pics.  Too bad my camera died before we got pictures with the beautiful scenery but Mom promised to make my copies of an indoor picture will have to do for this post.

Tuesday we decided to go to a free concert in the park. My favorite kind...FREE! This time just Mom, Aunt Sue, Glenn, me and Eliseo. The music was ok...I wish we would have caught the Beatles cover band the week before, but we still enjoyed the beautiful cooler weather. We even brought jackets! It was Aunt Sue's last night in town so it was nice to spend all this time with her.  I hope we get to see her again soon. The plan is to go to NJ next summer when E is a little older when his cousins are visiting too.  I'm posting a pic of Daddy and E in the park, Daddy loves his baby. We had a family pic but didn't turn out so great. I'll work on getting a good one soon.

All for tonight...good night!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Eliseo 3 month pics

Long day with a smile

I couldn't be more proud of my little monkey. Yes, that good baby is MY baby! Yesterday was a long day of events, although we got off to a late start. Eliseo woke me up at 7am for a feeding, apparently not too hungry because he dozed back off. Then Glenn got home from work and wanted to cuddle with him for a while. 5 hours later I woke up! We had 3 month pictures planned at 12:50 but I had to reschedule to 2:20 since I wouldn't dare leave the house without a good feeding (for pictures, no less). So I grabbed a bunch of stuff for pictures and we left the house at 1:30pm. He did so great for picture time!!! So many great smiley shots to choose from! It only took 20 minutes to print the pics I chose so we made a quick run to Target. Back to pick up the pics then off to the Hudson's house to go to a birthday party that was over an hour away. We stayed at the party until after midnight, Eliseo snoozed through the last few hours. I was DD for the ride home since I'm still not drinking. E was awake the whole way but cooing and laughing at Heather in the back seat. We got home and he passed out. No meltdowns all day (with strategically placed feedings). The lesson I have learned:  ALWAYS FEED THE BABY.  A Fed baby is a happy baby. Like mine :).

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Week 2 back to work: almost done!

2 weeks of being back to work and we are sort of settling into a routine. We've taken Eliseo to daycare 4 times now and the report is always the same: he slept until 11 and then ate 3 oz. And he's always sleeping when he gets home. He does the same thing at home though. We consider this the trial run before we really need the 5 days a week. I've been taking him upstairs to work with me the days he stays home in the mornings, and he sleeps in the pack and play keeping me company (see pic).  He really hasn't given me any reason not to spend the day with him while I work so I've been letting Glenn sleep in the afternoons.

We've had some visitors this week. Grammy is in town and brought all of the gifts we got at our Eliseo party on Michigan. I blogged about this earlier in the week but it is stuck in "publishing" status and I cant get to it. So...I guess that blog will be stuck in cyberspace forever. Aunt Sue (Doo doo) is here too so we've been spending a lot of time together. It's so nice to have my family all around us. I feel like Eliseo benefits so much from spending time with them.

Well, sorry for such an informational post, just living the life...and absolutely loving it. G'nite all!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

What's In a Name

Some of you might be wondering how we decided upon the unusual name we came up with for our little boy.  Was it on the list of strange celebrity names?  Are we trying to be trendy?  Actually, quite the opposite, the name we chose for Eliseo goes back generations in Glenn's family.

Eliseo (el-e-SAY-o):  it's easy people!  Just please don't say Elise and add an O...that's not how it goes.  My uncle says he remembers it by thinking of the name Galilao (as in the Queen song Bohemian Rhapsody:  Galilo Figaro...LOL). Empahsis goes on the SAY part.  So let's say it together again:  el-e-SAY-o.  Today's lesson is over.  It is the spanish version of Elijah.  I love biblical names, and I love tradition, this is Glenn's grandfather's name, was almost Glenn's first name, but it actually IS Glenn's middle name.

Eliseo as a boy's name is a variant of Elisha (Hebrew), and the meaning of Eliseo is "God is my salvation".

Middle name:  William.  Well, this is an easy one!  William was my late, GREAT father's name and was a complete no brainer.  I would have liked some version of William as a first name (I think Will), but it is quite a popular name in my immediate family, as in my brother and his son are both Williams (Bill, Billys).  I love and miss my daddy so much, I would love nothing more than for him to have known his grandson, and for his grandson to know him.  I know he is looking down from heaven with love at his namesake. 

I am a traditional girl, and I feel like we have somewhat broken a tradition by not naming our first son after his father, as is the Mexican tradition, but Glenn and I just didn't jive with naming our son "Glenn."  We both love the name Eliseo, and I hope we didn't do our baby a disservice by naming him something that he'll have to explain his whole life.  Maybe he just needs a flashcard pinned to him at all times.  But, the name stands, and there is nothing short, no nicknames.  Y'all just need to learn it.

One more time: El-e-SAY-o.  Happy learning!

My sleepyhead

Known to sleep until at least 11am.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Our Baby Story

Happy Sunday everyone!

Today marks a week since I decided to start blogging.  It seems like a good day for a story.  Remember...this is a story with a happy ending:  how Eliseo came to be. 

Glenn and I got engaged on 7/8/2007 after 3 years of on again, off again, and ultimately on again dating.  As we talked about what our life together would look like, we decided that we wanted to start trying for a baby right away.  I was 32 soon to be 33, and Glenn was 28, so we felt like our party days were behind us; we were ready for a baby.  We began planning our wedding; a small affair in Las Vegas, in a garden about 15 minutes off the strip.  This was my second wedding, and Glenn is a no glitz, no glamor type guy so we just wanted something small and intimate.  I found the venue and put down a deposit about 2 weeks after his proposal (which was really cute--he dropped the ring LOL).  Well, the following Monday Glenn called me with some not so happy news:  his unit was deploying to Iraq and they needed him to go, contrary to their original plan to have him stay back to get his MOSQ (to go to MP school).  Even not so happier news:  he was to leave in 5 days.  This was pretty much a complete shock to us, and we had to make some decisions about our wedding.  I was so upset, I didn't see what the point would be to get married before he left.  We talked it over and decided that we did want to be married, it just made sense as we weighed the pros and cons.  So, on Wednesday, 7/25 he received his orders at 11am and we went and got our marriage license.  6 hours later, we were at the Justice of the Peace with a small group of friends and family.  5 minutes later, we were married.  3 days later, Glenn was boarding a plane for New Jersey to his mobilization site.  Not much time for baby making.  30 days later, I was allowed 6 days with him on his pass, again we hoped the timing was right for a baby, but it wasn't.  He got back on another plane and within 2 days, he was headed overseas. 

May 20, 2008, Glenn returned to the states.  He was home, and I was elated.  It is quite a feeling, after almost a year of complete agony, to have my husband back home in my arms; no urgency, no timelines, just back together again.  Finally we could give ourselves a chance to have our baby.  So we started to try.  Now, when you are trying for a baby, people give you all kinds of advice.  They tell you, once you stop trying, it will happen.  Well I promise you, those people have never gone through the struggle of unfruitfully trying to have a baby.  You really never just stop trying, that's an impossibility.  They tell you all kinds of stories about what happened to their friend, their sister, someone they hardly even know and their success stories.  But this means nothing to you, because other people's successes are never a guarantee that it will happen to you.  It's between you and God.  So month after month, we tried unsuccesfully.  I charted temperatures, cervix positions, the consistency of fluids:  it's not pretty, people.  Meanwhile, every single one of my best friends, family members, even people I had just friended got pregnant, and a lot of them were first time moms.  Every month it was someone new.  I was genuinely happy for those people, but I began to wonder why not me?  Why was God angry with me?  Why was I being punished?  I know this is not the truth, but when going through the struggle, there is no one else to blame.  I would literally make a friend, and the next month they were pregnant!  Don't get me wrong, I was not bitter, but I took everyone's news very hard.  I wondered why it was fair that people could get pregnant right away, without even trying.  One day they would tell me they were going to start trying.  The next month, they were pregnant.  Meanwhile, over a year had past and Glenn and I were still at square one.  Then, we suffered another blow.  Glenn had transferred units and his new unit received deployment orders.  He hadn't even been home for a year before we learned that he would be going back to Iraq for another year.  We were preparing to start fertility treatments, but I was so down and out that I didn't want to even start treatments with only a few months until Glenn left again.

And then, it happened.  14 months of disappointments, and finally I took a pregnancy test one day, and there was that beautiful, unbelievable plus sign.  I couldn't believe it!  I started making due date calculations, realizing that Glenn would still have 6 months left on his deployment when our baby would be born.  That's ok, I thought, I'm a strong woman with a supportive family and I can raise our baby alone for 6 months.  Not an ideal situation, but I could do it.  We started sharing our news, first with our family and then with our friends.  For your first pregnancy, especially after over a year of trying, it never crosses your mind that you may lose it.  This is what happened to us.  I was crushed, a little over a week after finding out the best news of my life, I had to deliver the worst news of my life to everyone that we told:  we had lost our baby.  When I went in for the D&C, my doctor told me we could start trying again in a couple of months, and I told him through tears, we won't be able to do that because Glenn was leaving to start his orders in a month and a half.  It took a few weeks to recover from that, to the point that I wasn't mourning every single day.  It started getting a little easier after that, to wake up each morning and not think about what we almost had.  Then, Glenn was gone again.  So there I was, again with absolutely zero chance of having a baby, and at that point I was 35 years old.  I was running out of time.

Fast forward to October 4, 2010,  again, that feeling that only a military wife could understand:  having Glenn back in my arms.  No urgency, no timelines, just him and I together again.  We decided that as we continued to try to have a baby, we wanted to start looking into adoption.  We didn't want to wait any longer, we wanted to be parents.  Glenn and I truly believe that we have been called to adopt a child, regardless of whether we were able to have biological children or not.  The adoption process is lengthy and expensive, so we started getting it underway within a month after he was home.  We decided to go with Bethany Christian Services and a mediator and began filling out their paperwork and going to their classes.  Meanwhile, we went to our doctor to look into starting fertility treatments.  We spoke to him about taking Clomid (fertility medication), which we were going to start after my next cycle.  Well, only 2 short months after Glenn returned home and before my next cycle, I found out I was pregnant again.  With the memory of the last miscarriage in our minds, we proceded a little more cautiously this time, only telling our family and of course, those closest to us knew:  if I wasn't drinking wine there must be a baby on board.  We found out on Christmas day, 2010.  We felt this this time, it was our time.  But, we were wrong.  Again, about a week later, we lost our second baby.  This time, a little easier to take, but still devastating.  Now I was really starting to wonder why God was punishing me.  We went to talk to my OB/GYN again, and he said we could still go ahead with our plan to start Clomid.  This was a beacon on hope on the horizon.

In January 2011, we went through our first round of Clomid.  The research shows that many times, Clomid is successful on the first round.  We were very hopeful, but it didn't work for us.  Neither did the second, third, or fourth months of Clomid.  There were some side effects from the Clomid that made an impossible situation for us (that happens to 7% of women), I'll spare you the details, but it is called "Angry Mucous."  Well, I was definitely angry at my mucous.  After the 4th round, my doctor left it up to us to decide if we wanted to go for round 5, cautioning us that he would only allow 6 rounds because the success rate after 4 months declined drastically.  We decided to stop the Clomid.  My doctor recommended we see a Fertility specialist to look into other options, i.e. IUI or IVF.  We said we would think it over.  We started diving again into our adoption process that we stopped in December when we were pregnant. 

The very next cycle, before we made any decisions, we got another positive pregnancy test.  At this point, again we were happy, but we were not allowing ourselves to build up hope.  We only told a few people, probably a mistake.  Once people knew, it made me anxious.  I didn't want people to know.  I just wanted to go through every day for 9 months, seeing my pregnancy progress.  I hated those beginning days.  They were very stressful.  But...we made it past our usual week, with no signs of losing it like we had in the past.  Could it be?  Would this be the one?  I started to have hope.  And then...sorry to sound like a broken record, but I woke up bleeding one morning.  I immediately when to my doctor, who again ordered bloodwork.  My baseline numbers were OK, HCG was at 15, which is a moderately low number.  The second set of tests showed that my HCG went up to 37, which he was happy with as your HCG should at least double after 2 days.  After I started bleeding, he ordered a third blood test:  HCG came back at 42.  He called me and said he was "cautiously optimistic" since the number had gone up, but clearly it hadn't doubled.  A fourth blood test showed that my numbers had begun to decline, meaning the pregnancy wasn't progressing, and that I would miscarry.  But I didn't need the doctor to tell me that result.  I already knew it because I had passed the baby over the weekend.  Devastation once again.  My doctor again recommended we go to the fertility specialist to find out why we were losing our babies.  He had no idea why based on the testing that he could do.

So, we had a decision to make:  do we go to the specialist and try again?  Did we want to keep putting ourselves through this emotional roller coaster?  Could we handle losing any more babies?  We made the difficult decision:  we would try only 1 more time (or so we told ourselves) if the specialist could tell us why we were losing them.  It took a month to just get a consulting meeting with the specialist.  But on August 20, 2011 I found myself on the phone with Dr. Ahlering, explaining the exhausting story to him.  He said he wouldn't be able to tell me why I had lost the babies we had in the past without having genetic material from those gestational sacs.  He could order tests to rule out typical reasons why women lost babies, but unless he had genetic material from one of our babies, there was no way to know.  So, I went in to see him and do an ultrasound to look at my ovaries.  He said everything looked normal, I had a few follicles that looked promising and then ordered the longest list of tests that you've ever seen.  That was a fun trip to the lab.  As the phlebatomist looked at the order, she started gathering vial after vial after vial.  Over 20 of them.  She was so nice, it was obvious to her why I was there.  She wished me luck and said a little prayer right then and there for me.  Then she started poking my arms.  20 some vials later, I asked her if I got cookies and juice with that.  A week later, we had another appointment at Dr. Ahlering's office.  To test my natural killers, to make sure my body wasn't killing off the baby thinking it wasn't supposed to be there, and to get Glenn analyzed.  None of these tests were covered by our insurance.  We forked out close to $2000.  Glenn was not the problem.  My natural killers were not the problem.  We started getting frustrated.  I set up another consulting meeting, to go over everything and do our "fertility workup" to decide our next steps.

Well, on Sunday, September 11, 2011, I was having some major neck pains.  I decided I was going to go to my chiropracter on Monday to have an X-ray and see what was going on with my neck.  I was due to get my period on Wednesday, and he was going to ask me if I was pregnant before he x-rayed me.  Rather than just give my usual answer when I was asked if I could be pregnant (the answer was always with a laugh, saying probably not), I had a home pregnancy test, so I took it.  And within no time, I had a clear, DARK second line.  I looked again...once, twice, I dropped to my knees and I prayed:  "God, Jesus, Lord, please,please, PLEASE let this be our time!".  I told Glenn about my positive test.  He didn't get excited.  The next day I called the specialists office, they ordered the bloodwork to test my HCG and progesterone.  I knew the drill.  I went to the lab, and the same phlebotamist that drew my 20 vials called me back.  She knew what this meant.  Again, she prayed with me:  "Please Lord, make these numbers double!"  I went back on Wednesday for my second set of tests.  More praying.  Then, I recieved the greatest email I've ever gotten.  It said my HCG on Monday was 27, and the number on Wednesday was 79.  79!!!!  It tripled!!!!  My progesterone was at 30.8!!!  I had to reread that email, oh, probably at least 100 times.  These were MY numbers.  This email was about ME.  I was in complete disbelief. 

We still hadn't told anyone.  We didn't want to jinx it.  We didn't want to get anyone's hopes up.  Especially ours.  Dr. Ahlering said, this was only a win.  If we lost the baby, he could get the sac and tell us why.  Better yet, if we didn't lose the baby, WE WOULD HAVE A BABY!! So, this began the waiting game.  Every day, I woke up waiting for the bleeding to start.  And everyday, there was never any bleeding.  We went in for our first ultrasound at six weeks.  Unlike the last ultrasound that was barron, there was the gestational sac with the tiniest of specks in it:  our baby.  It was too early to see a heartbeat though.  We refused to get attached to the idea of being pregnant until we saw a heartbeat.  He printed out the pictures of our speck and sent us on our way.  He wanted to see us again in a week.

A week later, we were in his office again, and our speck had an undeniable movement in it: the heartbeat.  He high fived us.  I love Dr. Ahlering.  He said "congratulations, I have nothing else to do for you!  Go back to your regular OB!". 

I'd continue with the details, but let's leave it to say, it took us a while to tell everyone.  It was at least 8 weeks before we even told our families, 12 weeks to tell our friends.  Every day was like walking on eggshells, but my belly kept growing and growing.  Even though I was in my second trimester, I still wouldn't let myself think we would make it to the end.  On January 9, we found out we were having a boy!  What a joyous, joyous, unbelievably joyous day! 

Yes, of course we made it to the end of the pregnancy (or at least through 37 weeks), and the evidence of that is sitting right here, on the couch next to me, very impatient that I've been typing for the last hour!  Wrap it up, Mom!  Feed the baby!  It's not about YOU anymore, its about ME ME ME!!!!  And I love every single bit of it.  Yes, Eliseo, I will wrap it up and give you my undivided attention and love.  Maybe next Sunday will be the story of my pregnancy and birth.  We shall see!!

I hope that this story provides inspiriation and hope to those women out there still in the struggle.  I can't say how your story will go, I can only hope and pray that it turns out as beautiful as mine.

Saturday, August 4, 2012


Eliseo had a fun playdate today! He went over to his friend Jacob's house. He's known Jacob since even before he was born, in fact he visited him in the hospital (10 days before E was born). Even though Jacob is only about 2 weeks older, he was almost 3 lbs heavier than Eliseo when he was born. When we went to see him, I remember being very scared that a creature possibly this large was lurking in my tummy and it was going to come out very soon (sorry Em!).  The first time the boys were together it was hard to believe that they were almost the same age since E was such a peanut. But he's caught up in weight a little bit. Jacob still has a pound or so on him but it wasn't as noticeable as last time. Poor Jacob has been suffering with reflux and has had troubles with keeping his food down which has kept his mommy worried about him. These boys are so similar in their personalities, they are going to be besties!  We spent 3 hours at Jacob's house while their daddies were at drill today, then he and his family came over to our house for dinner! It was an all day playdate, what a great day!  The extent of their playing was leaning on each other on the couch...but you gotta start somewhere right? Anyway, his mommy and I thought it was pretty adorable so the cameras came out. We cant wait for our next date!

Pictures from my tablet :)

I downloaded the blogger app on my tablet so I can share these to set up from my phone...

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Well poop, I had some really cute pictures that I was going to post today, but I'm on my sucky Netbook computer and it doesn't allow me to post pictures BOO!  I'm still trying to post them from my phone too, but the only success with pics so far has been on Glenn's "real" computer.  I'm in bed right now, and I love y'all, but I'm not getting out of bed to get it.  So I guess the pictures will come with the next post.

The last couple of days, Eliseo has been home all day again, but he goes back to Janelle tomorrow for 1/2 day.  He has been absolutely fantastic.  Glenn has been sleeping with him in the mornings and I've been able to keep him with me in the afternoons.  Granted, I haven't gotten into the full swing of work yet, so I can keep up as long as I have 1 hand to type with.  I love watching Glenn and Eliseo cuddle in the morning.  They sleep chest to chest, as Eliseo loves to do and it warms my heart to come down the stairs and see my 2 favorite people looking so cute and happy together.  I finally brought the pack n play upstairs today after work.  I had a lot of clutter to find places for, and my motto is "don't do it til you can do it right."  I'm not gonna lie, a lot of stuff never gets started ;).  But E kept me company (watching the olympics, mens volleyball this time) as I filed, shredded and organized.  I love the feeling of accomplishment when I take on and finish a project that has been on my to do list for a long time.  So, tomorrow, no baby in the morning, and my office is organized.  I should have a stellar morning.

We practiced holding our head up in the Bumbo seat more today, he almost has it!  When I first sit him in there, he bounces and nods his head a lot but he can keep it up....then he gets tired and it falls to the side.  He loves the Bumbo because he can sit up and see everything (although, sometimes a good 1/2 hour on the floor is all he needs).  We finished up the night with a bath and folding up clean laundry.  By the end of the night, he was ready to go to here we are...E fell asleep watching his favorite (women's gymnastics) while nursing and I'm writing this blog.  Until now...G'nite!!!