Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Well, we did it, we actually left the house and stayed out past midnight! Glenn accepted an invitation to one of his fellow police officer's house which was just a few miles away from our house. They said we could bring the baby and since I didn't want to try and find a babysitter (and I wasn't drinking anyway, plus I kinda wanted to be with him) we put him in his jammies and headed on over. I thought Eliseo would fall asleep around 9 or 10 and that I would let him sleep in the car seat, or that we would just leave early. Oh no, he stated past midnight. Only my baby. I kept thinking that I was going to be sorry cuz his sleeping schedule was going to be screwed up, but it's already screwed up so oh well. It was a special occasion. And yes, I did pay for it tonight with an hour and a half of fussing. He'll be back to normal soon enough.  Today we just hung out as a family, went to the mall and ran a couple of errands. Did more housework and yet more laundry...yada yada.

So resolutions for 2013? I guess just the standard: try to take better care of myself. I guess back to running and to the gym. My gym has childcare available so I really have no excuse. And...Biggest Loser is coming back on! I love that show, it totally motivates me.

Alright peeps, it's late and I have work tomorrow. I hope you all have a happy and healthy 2013!

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