Friday, January 11, 2013

Now what?

Day 4 of daycare this week and things kind of went downhill all week. This growth spurt is really screwing with my baby! No morning nap again today. I can only imagine how crabby he must have been for Janelle. He ate the double portion of oatmeal I sent and didn't finish his bottle so I know he had enough to eat today. Then when he got home I made him some lunch:zucchini with brown rice and he barely ate any of it. I wanted my pediatricians advice on his not napping this week and the nurse said maybe he just doesn't need it anymore. She recommended keeping him awake (what a joy that will be with a cranky baby) and trying one longer nap in the afternoon. Hmm. So I tried it, and again we were back to an hour crying in the crib with no nap. I know it takes a couple of weeks for him to learn a new behavior, but I'm afraid trying to get him to nap in the crib may make him like it less at bedtime. Bedtime is the one thing that we have down pat. Maybe I'll have him nap in the pack n play that is down in our bedroom. Ugh so we are back to trying to work out naptime.

I finally did get him to nap in his swing at around 4pm but it didn't last long. He had a minor meltdown as I finished up work, but once I was done the evening was pretty pleasant. Dinner was sweet potatoes and brown rice and a nursing session and then we played on the floor. Worked on sitting up...he can sit up by himself but he still throws himself back pretty hard so I have to be close by. Then I think the favorite part of my night...I nursed him around 730 and he feel asleep, then I fell asleep and we cuddled. I woke up around 9, brought him upstairs and put him in his jammies, nursed again and he's been out ever since. So we'll see how it goes tomorrow.

As far as the food, even though he's 8 months he still eats every 3 hours and nurses quite often.  The nurse says this is fine, that you can't really over feed him right now. Just let him eat until he's full. So I guess I'm going to need a lot more food around here! I've been incorporating grains to keep him fuller longer. She says keep doing what I'm doing.

So there it is...and I just love these legs and feet so thought I'd share!

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