Monday, January 21, 2013

Why must babies grow?

I'm sitting here folding E's laundry and realizing that most tags say 9 mos and I'm wondering if he is going to be able to wear them again. How did these clothes shrink so much? I guess I'll be having to put away more 6 months clothes pretty soon, which breaks my heart!  It's cliché, but it is going by so fast. I don't take a second of life with Eliseo for granted. Its hard for me to even make plans without him sometimes. I don't like to have to get babysitters.  I've had my whole life to go out and be social, I'm really over it now. But at the same time, I thrive on my friendships and know I need to make time for them, so I do. And I'm glad I do, but I like it even better when we do things that I can bring E to :).

Ok. developments.  We have graduated to a size 3 diaper. The difference between 1 and 2 didn't seem too big, but 2 to 3 was a big leap! I wasn't sure my baby's little butt would fit in that big old diaper, but it did. No more size 2s. And much more solid poop...yay. Important to note: too many orange foods = orange poop.

Also new is the introduction to turkey. Hmm, not going so well yet. The texture of pureed meat...yeah. Just as bad as it sounds. He's not so interested yet. Not that I blame him. 2 more days of trying and we'll see off he warms up to it. I've even mixed it with rice and sweet potatoes, that hasn't helped any. I may need to wait again until he can eat pieces of ground turkey.

Don't worry, I am happy that my baby is growing. Each day brings fun new adventures with him, I am just loving every minute that we are blessed with. I love my little man!


AliciaQ said...

Graeme always tells me if I want the babies to stop growing I need to stop feeding them.

Aimee said...

Yeah I tried that but he cries so I always give in and feed him.