Friday, January 11, 2013

Just when you think you figured it out

Hey y'all! I'm not from Texas but it sounded good.  The last few days Eliseo has been pretty fussy in the morning/ afternoon. I think I figured out the problem. Apparently he is starving. I brought him to day care on Wednesday and he hadn't taken a nap all morning for Janelle. I thought he would sleep well in the afternoon but no such luck. I fed him lunch and after his food was gone he was sitting there like a baby bird with his mouth wide open. I nursed him but that didn't make him tired enough to nap. So, he continued to be fussy. A few hours later I fed him dinner and he did the same thing. So I heated him up a second serving and he ate the whole thing! So today I doubled up on everything and he ate it all! I had enough food to last through the  weekend but he ate it all! So I made him a few more things tonight: Brown rice, oatmeal, apples and pears as mixers and the new introduction butternut squash. Can you say growth spurt?

Other than that, nothing new. He hasn't crawled yet but it will happen any day now. No teeth, maybe a "mama" soon...

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