Sunday, January 6, 2013

Isn't January boring?

Mmmm hmmm, it really is. But after December craziness, boring isn't so bad. I just have far less to talk about. I'm really surprised at how easy it was to get Eliseo back into the groove. We had one tough night of adjusting, but other than that, bedtime has been a breeze. The only exception is he's been stirring a little right when I'm getting into bed at night. He is a floor away so I know he can't hear me, the only thing I can figure is that it gets quiet once I turn off the tv and that may be what wakes him. Usually he will just go back to sleep but sometimes I go rock him a little.
So what have we been doing? Pretty much laying low, I find if I leave the house I spend money and I'm still recovering from Christmas, so I've been trying to stay home and get the house in order. E and I have been spending a significant amount of time on the floor playing, one of these days he's going to take off crawling but it has happened yet.
Today I met with my running girls and brought Eliseo with me in the jogger. It was cold and windy, but I had him nice and bundled up. I was planning on running about 3 miles and walking in a fourth, but I got turned around on one of the trails and wound up inadvertently adding a mile onto my run. This did not make Eliseo happy. I had no other way to get back than to run, so I turned on the turbo jets. I didn't know if he was just cold, or tired of being bundled, or poopy, but he had a meltdown. Not good! I felt like a bad mommy. It's so heartbreaking to feel so powerless. So finally I called Donna to come pick me up, he wasn't gonna make it another mile and a half (or I wasn't). Finally my heart just couldn't take it anymore, I had to pick him up, even if it was cold and windy. At least I had a blanky to wrap him in. That's all he wanted, was to be held. My poor baby.
So that was the extent of our excitement. We lead very boring lives :).
Oh but worth mentioning....E had his 8 month "birthday" last Tuesday. I'm starting to think about his 1st bday party already ( yikes!). Looks like it will be 4/27, so mark your calendars!

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