Tuesday, January 15, 2013

What do you want to talk about?

I'm really at a loss about what to write about tonight! I guess I'm excited about a few things (it doesn't take much to tickle my fancy these days). Not much is different with Eliseo...waiting for the crawl, I'm trying to find a way to bribe him into joining me on the opposite side of the room but mainly he just ends up crying. Then I feel guilty.  He's been really into Snickers, much to her dismay. He lights up everytime he sees her. I'll be really mad if his first word is Snickers. He's growing a lot but I'm still waiting on a major milestone. It's bound to happen soon, right?

On the food front, tomorrow we introduce cantaloupe. I'm excited to see how he reacts, hopefully without an allergic reaction though! So far he hasn't had any reactions, it's been pretty easy. We are in a good flow for now. Mostly predictable but then he throws us for a loop. Lots of smiles though. We love those smiles.

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