Sunday, December 30, 2012

I got the blues.

Well, all my company left today reminding me that yet another year has gone by. The house feels insanely empty since Glenn is working tonight. Eliseo misses his cousins and aunt carrying him around everywhere.  He misses his Grammy singing to him and making him laugh. For the first time, tonight I felt a little anxious putting him upstairs in his room to sleep. He feels further away from me than normal. Surprisingly he went down tonight without a fight. We played on the floor this evening and watched The Lion King. He cracks me up...he was singing along to the music in his Eliseo way.  I got some of the house cleaned up, tackled E's room and my huge laundry pile, but there is plenty left to do.

I've been missing my Daddy a lot today too. I keep thinking about how much he and Eliseo would have loved each other. It's so not fair that E will never get to meet him here on Earth. My nieces and nephews all got to experience his love and my children never will. It's a sad realization and is made today that much more difficult to get through. I tell him stories about his Poppy, and I had a thought today that I would write him a bedtime story about him.  There are so many things that I could write about....Poppy was a great and funny guy.

If I don't post again in time, have a happy and safe New Year least I get to spend NYE with Glenn this year.

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