Friday, December 28, 2012

Spoiling an (almost) 8 month old 101

A lesson in spoiling your baby. 

First, never let his feet hit the ground. Do this by ensuring he is in someone's arms at all times. This includes when he first wakes up in the morning, during his morning and afternoon naps, during dinner, at bedtime and anytime in between. It doesn't matter who does the holding, the effect will be the same.

Next, never let him cry. If he cries for any reason, give him kisses and hugs. Even when he's fussing about something or being bad. Reinforce bad behavior with plenty of attention.

Thirdly, push back his bedtime until he is passing or passed out. Refer to topic number 1: holding. If you follow topic #1 effectively, then your baby will already be sleeping in someone's arms when you finally decide it's time to put him in his bed.

Lastly, if he doesn't sleep after you put him in his bed, go get him, feed him and then let him sleep in bed with you.

That ought to do it. If your baby isn't spoiled after a few days of this treatment then try harder, you aren't doing it right.

Check back with me next week for a lesson on how getting your baby back into a routine really sucks!

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