Monday, December 24, 2012

It's beginning too look a lot like Christmas

I swear every year I won't let the hustle and bustle of the holidays get me, but I guess this won't be the year...getting out all of the cards and packages, finishing the shopping before Christmas eve, having the presents wrapped to be displayed under the tree....that is just not my life. Maybe next year. However, save the packages waiting add the door to be mailed (obviously not before Christmas) I think I am done! I think Eliseo is ready for his first Christmas! We went to the Wild Lights as the zoo this weekend. This kind of thing is right up my alley. I wish it hadn't been so cold but we wrapped Eliseo up in a sleeper, 2nd pair of pants, winter jacket, South Park style hat, and 3 blankets for the 25 degree weather. I think he enjoyed the lights, he seemed pretty fascinated even though he couldn't move under all that padding. He and I took a ride on the carousel. I have a thing about carousels...memories of my dad always taking us for a ride. I think I foresee another family tradition in the making.  I hope though, that the 2 hours in the cold didn't cause the little fever that Eliseo had come Saturday night :(. He seemed fine all day until the evening, he suddenly had a 100 degree fever and a couple of throw ups. He didn't have the best of nights as I'm sure you can imagine. It carried over to today, but by bedtime he seemed to be feeling better.

So my sister, husband and kids got here tonight, the tree finally looks worthy of a great Christmas morning! I'm bummed that Glenn has to work both Christmas eve and Christmas nights, but at least he will be home by 7am on Christmas morning for Eliseo's first. I'm excited that he gets to experience it with his cousins! He is definitely on the "nice" list this year.

Merry Christmas! I'll be sure to post some fun pics from Christmas morn!

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