Monday, December 3, 2012

The results are in!

I can't believe it!  Last week was so hard, trying to get Eliseo on a somewhat predictable sleeping schedule. So many people weigh in on this topic and it's hard to know who is right and who is wrong. You just go with your instincts. But after 7 months of anxiety over Eliseo sleeping upstairs in his crib at night was for NOTHING!!!! Yesterday I moved his monitor, noise machine and night light upstairs. I thought I would just try putting him up there for an hour,  then if he didn't stop crying I'd get him and put him in the pack n play in our bedroom. I did our normal bedtime routine...bath, book,  nurse, kiss on the forehead and say nite nite...put him down in the crib, and he went right to sleep and slept all night. What??? Of all of the scenarios I played in my head,  this was not one off them!  And guess what...I slept in my bed too! I swore I wouldn't be comfortable doing that,  but this video monitor makes me feel like he's not too far away. I thought maybe it was a fluke and he must have just been really tired,  but he did the same tonight!  So did we do it?  Is this permanent?  Well,  I think so but I won't be hard on us if we have some bad nights. I will certainly try to keep him up there from now on,  cuz that was a lot of hard work that finally paid off.  And to boot,  I even got him to nap in there this afternoon. He is growing up! I'm so proud of us. Picture is to prove it!

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