Sunday, December 2, 2012

I'm 7 months old already! !!

My baby is getting so big!

The last 7 months have been so much more than I could have ever imagined. Eliseo is such a perfect mixture of Glenn and I...Glenn's good looks and my personality!  How did we get so lucky? It boggles my mind how we made this perfect little person...people that don't believe in miracles have obviously never had a child.  We have so many firsts still ahead of us. I'm so excited for E's first Christmas!  The holidays have been losing their special feeling for me for some time, I've longed for a while now to get that feeling back; for my faith to shine through. Eliseo has proven to me that miracles do exist and he has escalated my faith to an all new level. Celebrating the birth of Jesus holds a new meaning for me this year. Now that I have experienced birth and am raising my son the stories are so much more dear.

So a quick update on the dailies: still working on getting naptime established, we haven't made much ground there. It's not so much the nap as it its getting him in his crib and falling asleep without being held (and staying asleep). On Friday I tried for 5 hours and he never fell asleep until I put him in the pack n play. This kid has some fight in him and I haven't won any rounds yet. Luckily a friend reminded me it's not a war to be won, its establishing a happy relationship with sleep. So I will keep doing the work because I know it's the  right thing for E and I know one day he will get it. He is still such a good boy and I will approach this with love.

That's it for today, early exercise day tomorrow so I had better get some sleep! (And I wonder why my child doesn't like to go to sleep...)

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