Sunday, November 25, 2012

E's first Thanksgiving

Well, I just wrote about Eliseo's first Thanksgiving and my app failed again so it is lost :(.  So here is the shortened version.

Glenn and I hosted thanksgiving dinner this year, even though Glenn had to work at 6pm. My sister and her family came in from Michigan to enjoy the holiday, and we had Grammy, my sister and her family, my brother and his family and my aunt, uncle and cousins with their daughter. We had a great day, but Eliseo's sleep schedule is all messed up so now we are paying for it. I am still aiming to have him up in his room at night by December 1, but I feel like we haven't mastered this phase yet since we were set back this week.

Also...we started peas today. He wasn't loving them but we have 3 more days to see if they grow on him. Then on to more advanced textures and mixing.

Sorry for the short and sweet. I got a new phone this weekend and most of my thanksgiving pics were on it, but I took a couple on my tablet. I may post my phone pictures once I get them moved over.

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