Saturday, November 3, 2012

Solid food = Solid poop

Ok now that Eliseo is officially 6 months I have to start him on solids. I've been avoiding it,  mainly out of convenience and fear. But alas, the time has come. I unpacked the baby bullet and did my reading. Mainly I wasn't sure what schedule to follow, what foods were safe to start with, how much I should give him, how often...ok pretty much everything there is to know! Lucky for me, my Baby Bullet came with instructions about all that YAY! After washing it all up, I felt confident and ready. Pureed up a banana ( I know I said avocado first, but it needs to ripen and it was morning, banana seemed more appropriate), positioned him in his Bumbo and watched his reaction. I was a little disappointed that I didn't get a funnier face, but he liked it :). I used my cute little containers to store the rest of my 4 days worth of puree. We have a list of first foods to get through before I start getting fancy, simplicity is good for now. I think its time to bring down the high chair too.  I definitely noticed the difference in his poop, and I think he did too. He usually doesn't cry at a dirty diaper, but he did today. I guess I'll be the typical mom and talk about it...a little browned and thicker. At least I didn't take a picture ;). So a big day today!! First fruit, officially!

Oh and in other good news...I figured out how to rotate my pictures.

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