Thursday, February 7, 2013

We're back!!!

Is there some rule that says you can't blog while out of town? Too much going on, it's hard to focus I guess.

So we are home from NJ.  Eliseo did great on his plane rides again. He's going to be a regular jet setter. I got some personal satisfaction when he was being his sweet, happy baby self and other babies were crying...high five little man.

I have the greatest family. First in the STL airport early Sat morning, we ran into my cousin and his family at a different gate in the terminal we were flying out of. Then, we get into the Newark airport and my sister landed at the same time and we were in the rental car area at the simultaneously. We decided to go to lunch together then found my aunt, uncle and cousins eating in the diner we chose. Walking in the hotel we saw more aunts, uncles, cousins. We basically took over the place. The next day at my grandmother's wake, my cousins and aunts from my dad's side of the family showed up.  It's a very comforting feeling to see so many familiar faces.  It was an emotional day for me, the way they styled my grandma's hair reminded me so much of the former "Grammy." The funeral mass was in the same church where all of her children were married, where I was baptized with my "triplet" cousins, where my grandfather's funeral mass was held, and I'm sure much more. It brought back memories of going to church when I was younger when Grammy always had mints in her purse that she would give us kids. So many happy memories with her.

Eliseo did pretty well all week. As long as he had his spoon he was pretty happy. He got overwhelmed a few times and just wanted this mommy, but that was after being passed around quite a bit. I can definitely feel some teeth finally trying too break their way through his gums. This made him a little fussier than usual. He just chewed on his spoon. We brought the Pack n Play but he mostly slept with us. I was afraid this would mess him up when he got home, but he went right back in his crib, thank goodness. He started having some sleepy problems at the end of the trip, but I think he was just ready to get back into his routine.  With all the babysitters around, Glenn and I were able to sneak a trip to NYC with my nephew and his girlfriend, which was fun. I always love to visit the city.

That's pretty much it. We are back home and E seems to have already adjusted back. I have until Monday to make sure he is all straightened out. 

As for me, bedtime! I powered through this post but my eyes are heavy....goodnight peeps!

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