Saturday, February 9, 2013

Proud Mama!

What a great day!

Today was non-stop for me. I didn't get much sleep last night (no good reason, just stupid tv sucked me in). We had a birthday party at the Magic House children's museum to go to this morning. Even though I had gone to bed late, Eliseo still went to bed on time, so it surprised me when he slept in til 830. When he finally woke up, he was still so tired! He slept in the car on the 45 minute drive, and when we went inside he looked like he would conk out again...but he didn't. Actually he stayed awake for our entire time at the museum and he was all smiles. The extra sleep made him a very happy boy! We had so much fun hanging out with family again...just can't get enough of them lately!

After the museum, we went to Schlafly brewery in St. Louis for lunch. Eliseo got a good nap in the car and stayed asleep for about another 20 minutes inside, but again when he woke up he was so happy. He was flirting big time with the ladies at the next table over.  When leaving, they told me how adorable he was and what a good baby I had. to church.

Strategic nursing session, and my little man sat patiently in my lap and was looking around, checking people out. He smiles a lot at people and he always gets a reaction from them. After the service was over, I had 2 more ladies approach me and tell me what a good baby I had.  This happens often. Last week he summoned over 3 waitresses at a diner and they told me how cute and good he was...if I had a nickel for everytime someone told me he was good or cute...well I'd have like a dollar, which I guess doesn't really seem to have the impact I was looking for.

So, after church, we took a ride down to North County to have dinner with Daddy since he didn't see him all day and Daddy had to work tonight.  Just more smiles and laughs while he was trying to play with Glenn's radio.

I am so proud of my sweet guy today. After we got home we played for a few minutes, then bath and bedtime.  No cries, and he has been sleeping ever since. Honestly, I don't even like putting him to bed because I have so much fun with him, but he needs his beauty sleep. Well rested baby is a happy baby.  Tomorrow is another day...


AliciaQ said...

You are looking so beautiful!

Aimee said...

Thank you friend!