Sunday, February 10, 2013

E's First Turtlehead Tooth

I was woken up quite early this morning by a certain little baby crying for me: Maaaaaaa, Maaaaaaaaa. Normally I wouldn't get up, it was around 5am, but I could hear the hurt in his little voice.  I headed upstairs and cuddled my little man. He fell back to sleep but I brought him down to sleep with me. He didn't really settle too much, and after we woke up for the day around 9, he was just really fussy and not happy. So I did the old Mom gum test and sure enough, I felt a little jagged hard spot protruding from his bottom gums. It's just barely poking through but it sure is giving him some pain. He got a lot of cuddles as I put my to do list aside to hang out with my little 2 foot bestie all day. Today was lots of Orajel and freezing teething rings. I just hope as each tooth comes in, it doesn't cause him so much discomfort. I hate it when he hurts.

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