Monday, February 11, 2013

9 Month Checkup

So he's been out as long as he was in :).

Today was Eliseo's 9 month checkup. It kind of made me worry when the nurse came back and took his head circumference measurement again and asked to weigh him again. Apparently the first measurement she wrote down made out look like his head had shrunk. What can I say he has a peanut head.

So here are the new stats:

Head: 16 3/4" 3rd %
Weight: 15 lb 2 oz <3rd %
Height: 26 3/4" 10th %

He was supposed to get 2 shots today but we switched insurance and we don't have our cards yet, which I guess determines which shot he is supposed to get. So when we get our cards, we get to go back for those.  I don't think he minded.

She wasn't too concerned with his low weight since he eats well and pees and poops regularly. She encouraged me to start trying lots of new foods and to add some butter and even a pinch of salt. I think I might make him an egg tomorrow.

So that's about it! Other than going back for the vaccines, his next checkup is his 1 year on May 2 (holy cow he is almost 1!!!).

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