Tuesday, February 26, 2013

WE HAVE A CRAWLER!!!!!! and Other Random Thoughts

Everyone put up your breakables, because as promised...and all capsy announcement....HE CRAWLED!!!!!  WAHOO!!!! Am I a little overly excited?  Yeah.  Maybe.  He has been teasing us with that rocking back and forth for so long now, I thought he would never actually crawl.  At first, it was just little scoots and then he'd collapse on his belly.  Then it was being up on all fours and moving his butt side to side which gave his legs a little momentum.  But tonight, he went a little distance at my mom's place.  The cheering really egged him on.  Then later, Glenn and I were in his room getting him ready for bed and we put him on one side of the room.  With our clapping and cheering, Snickers was getting very excited and was barking which I think was scaring the pants off of him.  So between the clapping and the barking, he moved quick crying all the way...LOL.  Poor E!  But he did it...and he looked like a little frog because it was more of a "move the hands then hop with the legs" motion.  I guess it's time to clean the carpets around here!  Yay E!!!!!

Next up is the intro to broccoli.  He LOVES it.  My kid is weird!  Glenn fed him a big bowl of it yesterday while I was getting my hair done and he practically licked the bowl.  I gave him an even bigger serving tonight with some rice and he just couldn't stop eating it.  He looked like he really had to put some effort into those last bites, but down the hatch they went until the bowl was completely empty.  So some of his favorites now are sweet potatoes (normal), bananas (normal), asparagus (not normal), cauliflower (not normal) and broccoli (not normal).  Dislikes:  peas.  Definitely dislikes peas.  I haven't decided what to feed him next.  At this rate I might go for brussel sprouts.  Yuck.

Did I mention how I'm never shopping at Babies R Us again?  Just to illustrate my point, I got a coupon in the mail and posted it for your viewing pleasure.  On the front:  20% off coupon for one regular-priced baby item (in big white circle, choose from thousands of items!).  On the back:  Exclusions.  If you have a half an hour, feel free to read all of them.  If you've ever been able to use a coupon at Babies R Us, you MUST tell me about it.  I commend you.

Eliseo is starting to take more of an interest in toys.  Before, he had his choice favorites and the rest he didn't care too much about.  Now he plays with anything and everything.  Admittedly, he likes to play with shoes, boxes, cords, bags, papers and the strings to the hood of our hoodie sweatshirts the most.  But toys are finally starting to catch his eye.  Random thought.  Good.

I could probably go on with the randomness, but I will spare you.  I hope my going on and on has entertained you.  I'm really going to figure out how to post a video one of these days.  Maybe I just need to be on the big computer.  I'll give it another shot.

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