Friday, February 22, 2013

It's Been that Long?

I haven't made an entry since Monday?  That doesn't seem right.  It's been a busy work week, so I guess I just lost track. 

Lets see....what has happened in the last 4 days?  Well, we talked about the clapping, which is just too stinkin cute....E and I were watching Family Feud and the crowd would clap and Eliseo would clap.  I just get this feeling inside, I think it's pride but so much more than that.  Yes, I'm proud of him for his accomplishment, but there is so much love and admiration and infatuation...I guess I just can't explain it very well, I just fall in love more and more with him.  All this from clapping.

Introducing:  eggs and yogurt!  I got him organic whole milk yogurt with peaches; day 1 he ate half of the cup, day 2 he ate 3/4 of the cup, and the last 2 days he ate the whole thing. I'm confused as to why he can eat whole milk yogurt but they don't recommend whole milk until after a year.  I'm sure there is a reason, maybe it's the quantity?  I don't know, but Dr. Oswald told me he can start eating anything except hold off on nuts, strawberries and honey until after 1 yr.  She said I only really need to wait 2 days in between new introductions, so we are gonna try more stuff.  I bought some broccoli for  him, so I'm trying one more day of the egg then I'll make that.  So, maybe I didn't do the egg very well, I hard boiled them and mashed up/pureed the yolk with water and a pinch of salt.  Egg yolk is so dry, but I think I made the texture a little too runny.  I'm thinking I might scramble the yolk and feed it to him that way.  He is doing well with the more chunky textures so we'll give that a go.  Eggs, eggs, eggs.  Done with the eggs?  Yeah, me too.

A couple of other minor things, we have a routine at night that's really cute.  After I put E in his jammies, I turn on a lamp in his room and shut off the overhead light.  HE turns the light off.  We've been doing this for a long time.  I tell him, "Turn the light off" and he does, but now after he flips the switch, we high five.  He finds this very amusing.  And something else that he's been doing, helping me put his toys away when we are done playing.  I don't know why I think this is so cute, other than he's just mimicking me and he picks up the toys and drops them in the box...well, he drops them and intends to put them in the box, but he misses a lot. 

Last but not least, I got a crawl out of him today.  I say this quietly, without caps because I'm still not really sure it happened.  But I swear, he went for about 3 strides before reaching his destination.  I couldn't get him to do it again, so I will wait to make the official all capsy announcement until I am more confident that it really happened. 

Oh yeah, and one more thing...a second tooth! Its coming in along side the first so he has cut both 2 bottom teeth.  Ok, that's really it this time!

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