Monday, October 15, 2012

Its Quiet...did he finally cry it out?

Ugh bedtime has been challenging for the last 2 weeks. Just more of the same, he falls asleep nursing and the minute I put him down in his bed he wakes up and cries for a really long time, or until I hold him (which I am trying not to do). As he's crying and I'm sitting in the living room listening to it, I am picturing him in 20 years at a therapists office talking about how he has trust and abandonment do you know when you are doing the right things? You want them to be confident little people, but you have to teach them by letting them figure it out! I don't want to be one of those overbearing moms, but I don't want to raise a serial killer either. Ok so I'm being dramatic. I brought him to bed at around 9:15, we finished nursing in about 20 minutes (ending up with him passed out), so around is now 10:50 and he finally has fallen to sleep. I know, I know there are theories out there, like he is too used to being held or he needs to be in his own room....but I think we are getting there, I don't think I'm a terrible mom for loving my child.

We had lots of fun this weekend! Glenn had the weekend off of the police  department, but he had drill...I swear we never win. At least drill was in town this month and during the day. We had friends over for dinner on Friday..pork steaks and twice baked potatoes..Saturday Eliseo and I went to Grant's farm with our neighbors, and then Sunday we went to the pumpkin festival at church. Glenn met us there, but I made him come straight from drill so he was still in uniform. He's weird about that, people thanking him for his service. He's very humble. My Facebook friends have seen the pics, so give me a few minutes and I'll post some here too.  Pumpkins, roasted marshmallows, petting zoo, hot cocoa...we had such a good time!

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