Monday, October 22, 2012

A night out with the hubs

Grammy watched Eliseo tonight so Mommy and Daddy could have a date! I figured we had better do something that we couldn't do with the baby or we would miss him too much. So....CASINO BABY!!! I'm only excited cuz I won tonight :). Glenn's favorite part of the date was the buffet, mine was the blackjack. Played some penny slots and did ok there but I had a good run on the blackjack machine and basically paid for our dinner in winnings. So a free night out :). When we got home, E was fast asleep. Last night was horrible sleepwise. So much so that I actually took a sick day off of work today. I had only gotten 4 hours of sleep the night before, I woke up at 4am to run the Rock n Roll relay and I was so tired. Eliseo didn't care, had him in bed by 10 and at 1:30 he was still crying and I was so tired that I could barely keep my eyes open. So finally I just pulled him in bed with me on Glenn's side (he worked last night). That finally worked, but he woke up again at 4am to eat and went through the cycle all over again. So at 8am when it was time to start work, I could barely drag my ass out of bed.  Thank God for sick days. I have quite a few left for the year, so seemed like as good a reason as any to take some personal time. I slept til 11! But I used the rest of the day wisely doing laundry and some other things around the house.  So it occurred to me last night that these sleep problems started after Phoenix, and he slept in the pack n play there. Maybe he is feeling cramped in the side sleeper/cradle. I moved the pack n play into our bedroom and so far he's been sleeping soundly. I hope this solves the problem.

I am also very proud of myself...if you'll allow me to talk about me for a minute. I ran the St Louis Rock n Roll 1/2 marathon relay yesterday! 6.4 miles for my leg. I didn't train 1 day...nothing to brag about, but I was really nervous about how I would do since I haven't run since finding out I was pregnant. I walked all through my pregnancy, 6 miles almost every week until 35 weeks, so i figured if it got too tough I would walk. But i only walked up hills, ran the majority and I felt pretty good! Ive been doing lots of Bikram yoga, which I know helped to keep my muscles limber. I guess no more excuses, I'm ready to pick up my running again.

All for now...Time for sleep!

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