Wednesday, October 10, 2012

First trip to the zoo!

Monday was our first trip to the zoo...obvious from the title of the post, right? We are kind of bums though, cuz we didn't get there until about 4 and they closed at 5...most of the animals were in for the night already, and the one trail we chose to walk was under so Eliseo didn't really get to see least we didn't overload him! We still had fun though. Glenn had the day off and I had a paid holiday. It was a beautiful day and we wanted to get out and about; We'll try again soon :).

We ran around again a lot this weekend, seeing friends, church, shopping..nothing too exciting. This weekend we are going to ho find Eliseo's Halloween costume and what he is going to wear for the wedding. Should be fun! I'll try to post a little more often, but it's been pretty slow around here!

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