Friday, October 19, 2012

Grammy's back!!

Thanks to a friend's advice, we have enjoyed a couple of tearless nights; I guess we are just going to take a slower approach.  I've had E in bed by 9-9:30, last night was 10 though because we went to see Grammy. After nursing the last 2 nights I've just held Eliseo since I had recorded shows on my DVR and wanted to watch them. By the time the show was over, he was well into his sleep. So when I put him down, he stayed asleep. When he did wake up a little while after being asleep, I sang to him and rubbed his chest...right back, no tears. We are getting there. It's been much nicer.

On another note...GRAMMY's BACK!!! I had to prepare Eliseo to be smothered by kisses! The reason I moved to Missouri from heaven (otherwise known as Phoenix in my book) was so my children would have a close relationship with my family. I remember growing up with my cousins, aunts and uncles, and seeing my grandparents often. So I gave up Phoenix and headed back to the Midwest so MY children could have the same memories. I wish his cousins were closer in age, the closest to him is 7 years older. But we do have 2nd generation babies closer to his age (2nd cousin and nephew's kids....if I am a great aunt to them, what would that make Eliseo? I guess when you lose track you just call everyone a cousin). Anyhow...I love it when E gets to hang out with his family. Grammy is here until the wedding so she is going to help me finish up his outfit. I was going through the clothes I have for size up...and I found navy blue dress pants. They match perfectly with his tie and fit pretty well...maybe a little roomy but not ridiculous. So now all we need is the Oxford shirt onesie and a cool hat.  If I cant find the cap that I want, he will be wearing a fedora. My cool cat.

Random post but I'm behind a few days. Oh yeah, one more thing. Took E to the doctor to treat a nasty rash on his neck and he weighed in at 14 lbs 4 oz! My big boy. I will have updated stats for weight, height and head at his 6 month appointment on Nov 8. Also, rounding up the Halloween stuff so pics soon in that stuff.

1 comment:

AliciaQ said...

I'm so glad the last few nights have been better. I promise, you won't have to hold him to get him to sleep forever =)