Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pics for last blog

Baby Bond was a hit

Wedding weekend has come and gone...where does the time go? So, no tie. I'm pretty sure most of my blog followers either were at the wedding or have seen the pictures on Facebook. My little Baby Bond was looking pretty suave! The tuxedo onesie was the perfect attire, I must say. Lots of comments and I caught the photographer and videographer with cameras on E more than once, LOL.  When he fell asleep in my arms on the dance floor they were both aimed at us, though it was pretty impressive that he fell asleep in those conditions. I think we are going to trick or treat as Baby Bond tomorrow.  The monkey coat I got him is kind of boring but I'll put it on him later when we are giving out candy. Eliseo and i carved our pumpkin yesterday so he is all ready for his first Halloween.  Ok, I carved it while he cried in his bouncy seat. He will appreciate it one day. Or not.  My poor baby is running a fever tonight, hopefully by tomorrow evening he will be feeling better. For tonight it is Tylenol, saline drops, boogie wipes, the bulb thingy and hugs and kisses.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Abandoning ship

Well, I went to Babies R US and bought the oxford shirt onesie, they only had white, and the golfer cap and some shoes, came home, put it all together and i hate it. It doesn't look cute, even with the awesome tie. I think Eliseo will be uncomfortable. So, I think I'm abandoning the tie ship and I'm just going to get him something adorable that I fall in love with...and I only have one day to do it. I went shopping at Kohls a few weeks ago and there was so much to choose from that I deliberated for 2 hours on what to buy with my $35 gift card. So I will go there and find something on Thursday. We leave on Friday for the wedding weekend so it's my only hope. I've been working on this for a while now, and I'm just feeling completely unprepared. So I'm frustrated. I guess my vision of my little man Lyons will never come to be, and I'll just dress him like the cute baby that he is. At least we still have his "tux" which I tried on him and fits right. Oh well. *big sigh*
Update on the sleeping situation: the pack n play worked wonders and i think E just likes to sleep on his side. The side sleeper didn't allow him to roll onto his side anymore. He had a good sleep last night and no troubles falling to sleep tonite :) and that goes for me too. :))

Monday, October 22, 2012

Relay girls

A night out with the hubs

Grammy watched Eliseo tonight so Mommy and Daddy could have a date! I figured we had better do something that we couldn't do with the baby or we would miss him too much. So....CASINO BABY!!! I'm only excited cuz I won tonight :). Glenn's favorite part of the date was the buffet, mine was the blackjack. Played some penny slots and did ok there but I had a good run on the blackjack machine and basically paid for our dinner in winnings. So a free night out :). When we got home, E was fast asleep. Last night was horrible sleepwise. So much so that I actually took a sick day off of work today. I had only gotten 4 hours of sleep the night before, I woke up at 4am to run the Rock n Roll relay and I was so tired. Eliseo didn't care, had him in bed by 10 and at 1:30 he was still crying and I was so tired that I could barely keep my eyes open. So finally I just pulled him in bed with me on Glenn's side (he worked last night). That finally worked, but he woke up again at 4am to eat and went through the cycle all over again. So at 8am when it was time to start work, I could barely drag my ass out of bed.  Thank God for sick days. I have quite a few left for the year, so seemed like as good a reason as any to take some personal time. I slept til 11! But I used the rest of the day wisely doing laundry and some other things around the house.  So it occurred to me last night that these sleep problems started after Phoenix, and he slept in the pack n play there. Maybe he is feeling cramped in the side sleeper/cradle. I moved the pack n play into our bedroom and so far he's been sleeping soundly. I hope this solves the problem.

I am also very proud of myself...if you'll allow me to talk about me for a minute. I ran the St Louis Rock n Roll 1/2 marathon relay yesterday! 6.4 miles for my leg. I didn't train 1 day...nothing to brag about, but I was really nervous about how I would do since I haven't run since finding out I was pregnant. I walked all through my pregnancy, 6 miles almost every week until 35 weeks, so i figured if it got too tough I would walk. But i only walked up hills, ran the majority and I felt pretty good! Ive been doing lots of Bikram yoga, which I know helped to keep my muscles limber. I guess no more excuses, I'm ready to pick up my running again.

All for now...Time for sleep!

Friday, October 19, 2012

I have found it...

The after hours wedding wear....

Almost big enough for my Jumparoo!!

Had to put the bumbo seat under it so his feet could reach!

Grammy's back!!

Thanks to a friend's advice, we have enjoyed a couple of tearless nights; I guess we are just going to take a slower approach.  I've had E in bed by 9-9:30, last night was 10 though because we went to see Grammy. After nursing the last 2 nights I've just held Eliseo since I had recorded shows on my DVR and wanted to watch them. By the time the show was over, he was well into his sleep. So when I put him down, he stayed asleep. When he did wake up a little while after being asleep, I sang to him and rubbed his chest...right back, no tears. We are getting there. It's been much nicer.

On another note...GRAMMY's BACK!!! I had to prepare Eliseo to be smothered by kisses! The reason I moved to Missouri from heaven (otherwise known as Phoenix in my book) was so my children would have a close relationship with my family. I remember growing up with my cousins, aunts and uncles, and seeing my grandparents often. So I gave up Phoenix and headed back to the Midwest so MY children could have the same memories. I wish his cousins were closer in age, the closest to him is 7 years older. But we do have 2nd generation babies closer to his age (2nd cousin and nephew's kids....if I am a great aunt to them, what would that make Eliseo? I guess when you lose track you just call everyone a cousin). Anyhow...I love it when E gets to hang out with his family. Grammy is here until the wedding so she is going to help me finish up his outfit. I was going through the clothes I have for him...next size up...and I found navy blue dress pants. They match perfectly with his tie and fit pretty well...maybe a little roomy but not ridiculous. So now all we need is the Oxford shirt onesie and a cool hat.  If I cant find the cap that I want, he will be wearing a fedora. My cool cat.

Random post but I'm behind a few days. Oh yeah, one more thing. Took E to the doctor to treat a nasty rash on his neck and he weighed in at 14 lbs 4 oz! My big boy. I will have updated stats for weight, height and head at his 6 month appointment on Nov 8. Also, rounding up the Halloween stuff so pics soon in that stuff.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Pumpkin Festival pics

Its Quiet...did he finally cry it out?

Ugh bedtime has been challenging for the last 2 weeks. Just more of the same, he falls asleep nursing and the minute I put him down in his bed he wakes up and cries for a really long time, or until I hold him (which I am trying not to do). As he's crying and I'm sitting in the living room listening to it, I am picturing him in 20 years at a therapists office talking about how he has trust and abandonment issues...Lol...how do you know when you are doing the right things? You want them to be confident little people, but you have to teach them by letting them figure it out! I don't want to be one of those overbearing moms, but I don't want to raise a serial killer either. Ok so I'm being dramatic. I brought him to bed at around 9:15, we finished nursing in about 20 minutes (ending up with him passed out), so around 9:40...it is now 10:50 and he finally has fallen to sleep. I know, I know there are theories out there, like he is too used to being held or he needs to be in his own room....but I think we are getting there, I don't think I'm a terrible mom for loving my child.

We had lots of fun this weekend! Glenn had the weekend off of the police  department, but he had drill...I swear we never win. At least drill was in town this month and during the day. We had friends over for dinner on Friday..pork steaks and twice baked potatoes..Saturday Eliseo and I went to Grant's farm with our neighbors, and then Sunday we went to the pumpkin festival at church. Glenn met us there, but I made him come straight from drill so he was still in uniform. He's weird about that, people thanking him for his service. He's very humble. My Facebook friends have seen the pics, so give me a few minutes and I'll post some here too.  Pumpkins, roasted marshmallows, petting zoo, hot cocoa...we had such a good time!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Working on the wedding...

And you thought the bride's wedding dress was going to be the signature piece at this wedding! Oh no, it is for sure Eliseo's tie!!! LOL. It is so stinking cute...blue with little green dinosaurs on it! I'm going to pair it with a blue Oxford shirt onesie and black slacks, I think. And one of those cool golfer caps, if you know with ones I am talking about. He is gonna be one cool dude. The best part is, I found the tie at Once Upon a Child for $1.50. The size was 24months to 2T, but thanks to my tie tying skills, I was able to pull it apart and shorten it up by tying a double Windsor...thanks to my ex for teaching me that! I don't think I'll be getting him a suit or anything, but maybe a nice jacket that he'll be able to wear a few more times. I looked at Von Maur but was underwhelmed at their selection. They did have some nice Ralph Lauren pieces that might be nice for the later hours of the evening. We have a gift card with $55 left on it, so I think I might pick one up. Enjoy the tie! Notice the price tag still on it...lol!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

First trip to the zoo!

Monday was our first trip to the zoo...obvious from the title of the post, right? We are kind of bums though, cuz we didn't get there until about 4 and they closed at 5...most of the animals were in for the night already, and the one trail we chose to walk was under construction...lol. so Eliseo didn't really get to see much...at least we didn't overload him! We still had fun though. Glenn had the day off and I had a paid holiday. It was a beautiful day and we wanted to get out and about; We'll try again soon :).

We ran around again a lot this weekend, seeing friends, church, shopping..nothing too exciting. This weekend we are going to ho find Eliseo's Halloween costume and what he is going to wear for the wedding. Should be fun! I'll try to post a little more often, but it's been pretty slow around here!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Operation Rice Cereal Complete

After 2 more attempts at rice Cereal, Eliseo has finally decided he likes it! I think we had a frozen breastmilk issue the first time, and I'm praying it was only a problem with the bag I chose and not all of the bags in the freezer!  It's a messy process but at least most of the cereal ends up in his mouth. I've been giving it to him once a day at dinnertime, next week I'll incorporate it at lunchtime too. Then on to fruits and veggies in a few weeks. Should be fun!

Onto the next topic: colder weather. I've been having fun pulling out the warmer stuff but I realize I don't have as much of it.  Maybe another shopping trip is in the future. I can layer him up now so we go through the outfits faster. I must say that shopping for boys is much harder than for girls. I went to Von Maur tonight looking for something more formal for E to wear to a wedding in a couple of weeks, there were like 3 things to choose from for boys and,oh...about a hundred for the girls. Probably good for my wallet anyway. I didn't like the 3 things, but I had my eye on something at Babies R US that may work. Always best to start at Marshall's though! When I find it I will post!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


I think Eliseo might finally be getting back to his bedtime routine. The last couple of nights he hasn't been falling asleep at his normal time. Traveling is wonderful but it's so easy to mess up the baby's routine. Then his whole day is off. Luckily I'm a night person so I just stay in bed watching tv or reading a book until he finally gives in for the night. He's still in the side sleeper in the cradle next to our bed. I thought we'd be able the ditch it after a week of sleeping in the pack n play but I was wrong. He just hates being in the cradle by itself. I think maybe the mattress is too hard or something. I might try putting a blanket under the fitted sheet. Right now I'm just happy that he went to bed at a decent hour tonight. I'm about to join him in dreamland. Goodnight!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Some pics from AZ

First try of solids...sort of...

Well we tried some rice cereal yesterday. I don't think he liked it very much...he made some crazy faces and more cereal ended up on his bib than in his mouth. I got the feeling that he wasn't quite ready so I'll give it another day or so and try again.

We have another new pass time, playing in the exersaucer! E is holding his head up really well now so we are moving into new territory. Time to pull out all the big bouncy toys...they are starting to take over the house!