Monday, June 3, 2013

Not Much New Around Here....

Geez, time in blog world goes by almost as fast as vacation time! Guess I've been a slacker again.  Nothing too crazy going on around here. Glenn worked all weekend, so I'm pretty boring by myself. Really this was a pretty quick weekend, especially since I didn't have to work.

Friday started off with some excitement, but not in a good way. One word: TORNADO.  Ok so my house didn't suffer any damage as the path of it started about 10-15 miles southeast of here. But it got pretty crazy. Actually, there were 3 that affected the area. The one I mentioned was tornado #2. Tornado #1 started about 20 miles west of here and moving east. Anything west of here is bad, cuz that means its coming this way. You betcha I was in the basement with Snickers and Eliseo.  I decided its time to build Storm Central so I went out and bought a recliner to start things off. Next to purchase will be an area rug and I think everything else I have here....a bed for Snickers, a weather radio, tv, flashlight, candles... The sucky part is going to be clearing out the part of the basement where I want to put it. But with more storms on the way next will be getting done. Thankfully, we were spared again this time. I drove through part of the city today that didn't fare so well, not even the worst part, and it takes my breath away, how treetops are snapped off and rooves are peeled back. Makes me feel very small.

Now for the TMI portion of tonight's post. I have a plugged milk duct :(. It hurts! Its been this way for a couple of weeks but I just figured out what was going on.  The treatment includes a hot compress, and one of the websites I looked at recommended making the compress out of a diaper. I mean wow. I'm impressed with how much water this thing holds.  So now that I've identified the issue and I'm treating it with a hot diaper compress and massaging, hopefully it will unclog. I hope so.

Yes, you waited almost a week for this very sad blog post. Eliseo keeps amazing and entertaining me every day, but still no new major milestones.  But, I do have pictures which are worth a thousand words!

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