Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Good weekend!

We were so busy this weekend! Friday we took Eliseo to Playtime Party Center.  More or less like a Chuck E Cheese. They had a toddler play area. We thought we would stay for maybe half an hour, but he wound up absolutely loving it.  Each obstacle was so much fun for him, he wanted to go again and again and again. So we stayed about an hour but he would have stayed longer if we didn't go so late! The expression on his face says it all. We will definitely be headed back there soon.

Saturday we went to a friend's house for an annual "Rib Off" and Glenn took home the prize! He was pretty surprised since he doesn't consider himself a rib master quite yet. But the spicy chipotle infused bbq sauce was enough to intrigue every one I guess. E was being clingy to me again, he slept on the way there and whrn he woke up he only wanted Mommy. Which is nice, but a little frustrating and heartbreaking sometimes. Towards the end of the night, Daddy had given him enough sugar for him to have a good time going up and down a step...the hilarity! Anything that makes him laugh that much is ok in my book. He slept hard on the way home.

On Sunday, I wanted to go for a run and we had talked about bringing E to the park, so we killed 2 birds with one stone. G took him on the swing and slides while I took a 2.5 mile run around the park. I'm not sure how effective it was though, cuz we went to Chill to get frozen yogurt immediately after....oh well. At least I stuck to mostly fruit toppings. G shared him with Eliseo, yeah....we'll be headed back there too.

So today, it was rainy and stormy pretty much all afternoon. I got a good nap in with Eliseo in the morning and then it was stormy when we woke up. So we just enjoyed some time with Daddy before he had to go to work and then he took another long nap in the late afternoon.  He was exhausted, so it was a nice quiet day at home.

I was thinking today that I'm going to be getting him some fun outdoor toys for this summer. We have a little swingset for him but I think I'm going to get him a water table. We will also be going to mom's pool a lot this summer. I thought we would spend more time there last year, but pools and newborn babies don't go very well together.

That's all I got...lots of pics.. .enjoy!

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