Thursday, May 23, 2013

Mommy Fail

I don't know guys, I kinda had a doubtful day today. Just one of those days. Eliseo was very needy and clingy, I think because he's been home from daycare all week and he's getting used to being with me all the time. Today's routine was all off, starting with another post-nurse nap this morning. We slept until a little after 8am and that just set everything back for the day. I didn't get hime down for a nap until 12, and even then he only slept for 30 minutes. I think that was my biggest mistake when I went to the gym for Step aerobica class after work. No second nap. Tired baby. I dropped him off at the childcare and he had a meltdown. I thought for sure as soon as I was out of sight he'd be fine. But, after about 20 minutes they had to come get me because he  wouldn't calm down. I left the class and we went home, and I've been feeling like I failed as a mommy today ever since. He fell asleep on the ride home, of course. And later we played a little on the floor, gave him a bath and put him to bed at the normal hour. Tomorrow I will stick to our normal routine. Today I felt back to not knowing what the heck I'm doing sometimes. If I had it to do over again, I would pay more attention to how my sister took care of her kids when they were babies. I'm just kid illiterate every now and then. I hope I'm doing the right things for Eliseo. I certainly love him enough everyday. Just an off day.

1 comment:

AliciaQ said...

We all have mommy failure days, it comes with the territory. You are an amazing mom, even if he does of melt downs and you decide to nap in the morning =)