Wednesday, May 8, 2013

1 Yr Checkup

Today was the good ole 1 year checkup at the pediatrician.  My little man is making some progress!  He is still on the low end of the chart for height, still not quite on the chart for weight, but the doctor was very happy with his progress since our 9 month visit.  Here is how it shook out:

Height: 28 1/4"
Weight:  16lbs 15oz
Head Circumference:  17"

I don't have percentiles this time, but they looked like pretty much the same with a slight improvement in weight.  Which isn't surprising, since I've been giving him more and more food lately.  He still wants to nurse every 3 hours, but he also eats solid foods about every 3 hours as well.  In a typical day, here is how the eating schedule goes:

7am:  nurse
9am:  breakfast (cereal with fruit)
11am:  nurse
1pm:  lunch (usually a fruit or veggie)
2pm:  nurse
4pm:  snack (yogurt or fruit)
5pm:  nurse
6-7pm:  dinner (trying to do a protein with grain and veggie)
9pm:  bedtime nurse

So as you can see, he pretty much constantly eats throughout the day.  Not surprising to see him jump up nearly 2 pounds in 3 months, especially when he's supposed to be leveling out more now. 

Anyhow, I'm proud to say that I'm still nursing, and I don't have intentions to stop anytime soon.  I have a good rotating supply of frozen milk and I am still pumping to replenish twice a day.  But I know that this keeps him healthy and it's so good for him, so I'm not stopping yet.  6 more months?  We'll see.  I'm working on getting him to drink water from a sippy cup, but he hasn't figured out yet that it's anything but a toy.  I need to start giving him more chunky food because he still is eating mostly purees.  I gave him some mushy carrot chunks last week and I give him small pieces of bread, but I think I'm going to start giving him bigger pieces of rice.  He should be able to handle this by now. 

He also got 4 shots, which is never fun but he took them like a champ and was done crying in about 30 seconds after I picked him up. No fever so far.  Fingers crossed.

My favorite newest development is E's use of the word "uh oh".  He goes around the house all day saying:  uh oh...uh oh...uh oh....creating situations in which it's fitting.  I.e., throwing/dropping a toy.  It's so darling to listen to his little voice with the correct intonation.  I was hoping Mama was going to be his first word, but "uh oh" has won the title.  I don't know what this says about him, but I don't care because it's so stinking cute.

Alrighty, I've waited too long to start writing again so I'm sleep typing....time to wrap up and go night night. 

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