Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Bad and Good

So many good, big boy things to tell you all about, but unfortunately I have something icky to report too :(.  We took a trip to Urgent Care tonight because of a terrible, horrible, scary reaction to...dun dun dun.....eggs.  Well, egg.  One egg.  A few months ago, I made scrambled eggs for Eliseo.  I noticed that as he was eating them, he started getting blotchy skin on his face and a hive or two.  So I stopped giving them to him at the time.  So lately, I've been trying to get more into big boy food.  I chose some recipes to make and I went shopping for ingredients this weekend.  Yesterday the menu item was mini salmon cakes.  He's had salmon several times and enjoys it, so I thought this would be a yummy form to give it to him in.  One problem:  I was out of eggs.  I picked up said eggs yesterday evening and put the salmon cakes back on the menu.  As I was mixing the 1 egg the recipe called for, I was thinking about the reaction he had the first time.  But that was months ago, and that was straight eggs.  This is mixed with salmon and breadcrumbs.  Well, as you can guess, it didn't go well.  He was eating them and I started noticing blotches and some small hives.  He was really stuffing them in there, so I got the Benadryl ready for when he was done.  I couldn't recall the amount that the pediatrician said was ok for my little peanut, so I gave him the smallest dose.  It seemed to help a little, but then he started really rubbing his eyes and getting very fussy, nose running, coughing.  I thought maybe he was tired so I was going to take him for a walk.  Had him loaded up in the stroller, dog in hand and I looked at his face....SWOLLEN.  Very swollen.  And red. And the coughing getting worse.  Out of the stroller, into the house and a call to the pediatrician, who recommended calling 911, which just freaked me out.  We have a pediatric urgent care about 5 miles away, so I just thought the fastest way to get him medical attention without having an ambulance visit would be to take him there.  I was allowed to give him more Benadryl according to the doctor, so I gave it to him and it was knocking him out....they took his oxygen count which was good, a little low but not critical and checked him out.  He was red and blotchy all over, including his legs and tummy.  My poor baby.  He was given a dose of steroids.  His breathing was better and he was released with a prescription for 5 more days worth.  He fell asleep on the way home and stayed asleep, I held him for a long while and then put him in his bed. The swelling and redness all gone, but I'm still on monitoring duty.

So the good things....bottle...gone.  He is doing really well with the cup.  Kinda give or take, but he doesn't all out reject the cup.  I've been starting to mix organic whole milk into it, so I think by next week he will be getting whole milk in the cup when he goes to day care.  I'm still buidling my milk supply because I'm afraid to stop, but I'll probably use it all for weaning which (sorry peeps) I'm not doing for at least another few months.  Also, I've switched up his meal times a little bit.  I'm starting to pair up nursing and food into one feeding instead of staggering.  This means nursing upon wake up and then feeding him his breakfast BEFORE he goes to day care instead of sending it with him.  And Janelle is feeding him real lunch at 11am with all the other kiddos instead of just his milky.  It's a subtle change really, but just another step in the big boy direction.  He had grilled cheese and green beans today.  He turned down the peaches and cantaloupe, but he also had 4oz of his cup that was mixed with 2 oz of whole milk.  He'll be eating those hamburgers soon enough.

OK peeps, very late as usual, here are some catch up pics, and the allergy culprit. 

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