Friday, June 7, 2013

He should be eating hamburgers by now?

I wish I was more organized.  And less of a procrastinator.  And maybe more of a morning person. 

This line of thought hit me yesterday, out of the blue.  All I wanted to do was look up some recipes to make dinners for Eliseo.  Up until about a month ago, I had been making all of E's baby food.  I started trying to puree meats and ramp up his protein, but pureed meat is, well, pretty gross.  I also had tried to give him small pieces of meat but without teeth to chew them up, he gagged on them.  So in an effort to make sure he was eating enough protein, I decided to buy him some jarred baby food with meat that was a nice texture for him.  Meanwhile, I had still been giving him pieces of meat and he was doing much better with breaking them down and swallowing...I've also been giving him other things, veggies, pasta, rice, bread, basically anything that is on my plate.  But now I'm starting to feel lazy, because I haven't MADE him a dinner in a while now, I just keep giving him baby food.  But when does that turn into making him tv dinners or getting McDonalds?  So I looked in my cookbook...and he's supposed to be eating WHAT already?  They have like mini sandwiches and quesadillas and who knows what else in there for 12-18 months, there is no way he could eat that stuff already!  He only has 5 teeth!  And then I started reading the info before the recipes, and it said that he should be about out of the high chair by now, and only drinking 16 oz of breastmilk, and getting rid of the I'm no supermom, but I feel like I've been doing more than the average mom...but how do people do this? 

OK for starters, I just moved him out of the Bumbo seat and into the high chair about a month and a half ago because he was too little to fit in it before then.  In fact, I still can't get the seat belt tight around him.  And 16 oz of breastmilk???  I probably give him at least 24-30 oz a day.  And the bottle...he only has 4 bottles a week, but I'm still nursing him.  So, I started to panic.  I don't want to hold him back.  I've been following his cues and trying new things, but I know I move slow.  I did find some recipes that I'm going to try, but let's be clear about one thing, I am not planning on cutting down on the nursing anytime soon.  As for giving him breastmilk in a cup....I guess I'll start trying it.  Right now, he drinks water but only a little at a time. 

This is what gets me though:  I don't have a usual "kid friendly" schedule.  Glenn is only here half of the nights out of a week and when he is home, we eat dinner pretty late, like 8-9pm.  I dont go to bed until after midnight.  When I'm here by myself, I dont like to cook myself dinner.  So, I have this picture in my head of how I'd like for things to be: wake up early, start work around 7, be done with work by 4 then make dinner for E and me and Glenn, when he's home.  But, I'm an old dog and that's a new trick.  It ain't gonna happen.  I've tried too many times and I just fall back into the same schedule.  I keep E on an earlier eating schedule, but we dont have an established "dinnertime" where we all sit down together and pass the peas, so to speak.  As E gets older, I know this is important and we need to enforce a dinnertime, where Mommy cooks and we talk about our day.  I guess I have to start sooner or later. 

Does anyone have advice to offer about any of this?  I know I dont get many comments, but I'd sure like to know what other moms have done.  But for now, I won't panic.  I think I'm doing OK.

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