Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Cuz My Mommy Said So

Well I got in trouble for not posting for so long. My mom said its time for a new post! June 19th she said....so, here it is. We are getting ready to get rid of our laptop so I haven't been using it since I cleared a bunch of stuff off...so I'm posting from my phone which is really kind of annyoing.  May not be a very long or fun post.

We have an appointment with the allergist next Tuesday to check out the potential egg and peanut butter reactions. I hate to think about the testing methods but I know it's necessary since the reactions were pretty severe. The pediatrician also presribed us Eppi pens, which freak me out a little. I picked them up from the pharmacy and the pharmacist demonstrated for me with the test cartridge and I thought I was going to have an anxiety attack. But...I guess I need to practice cuz if I ever need to use it I'd better know what I'm doing. He said its just designed to buy some time so there wouldnt be a minute to waste reading the instructions.  I hope I never need to use it.

We have been going for lots of walks. I signed up for a pedometer contest at work and realized how little I actually walk around during the day since I work from home. I thought it would be easy to get to 10, 000 steps a day, but beoing tied to my computer during the day was making it impossible to get there. So you know if I worked in an office I'd get up a whole lot more...walk from the car to my desk.. to the cafeteria to get a coffee and oatmeal....walk to the restroom after drinking the coffee....going to the microwave to heat up lunch and vending machine for a sugar rush....late afternoon "I'm bored" walk around the building....back to the car.. I know this because that was my routine when I worked in the office. I'm sure you gathered.  So what's wrong withe getting up 3-4 times a day and walking outside for 10 mins? NOTHING! So I've added those to our usual evening walks and getting to 10, 000 steps a day is a lot easier.  Eliseo and Snickers are loving it. E and I like to walk at the park a lot.  Nice change of scenery, but in a pinch, a walk around the neighborhood is nice too. Jamaica in 2 months....this momma isn't looking too shabby...or should I say flabby.  HA I crack myself up. I keep fluctuating between 136-138, but consistently under 140..yay! When I weighed in at 8 weeks prego with E, I was at 148 so I'll take it. 10 pounds less than pre-prego although I had a lot more muscle because I ran so dang much. 135 was my initial goal so almost there, but I'm going to start up Bikram yoga again for a month starting mid-July and watch the last of the pounds melt away in the heat. Love Bikram.. but expensive.

More about E, today I mixed up his cup for daycare, only 2 oz of breastmilk and 4 or organic whole milk...I think by the end of this week the whole thing will be whole milk. So do I want to keep pumping? I don't know, I've been doing it for so long, I'm afraid of not having enough supply, but without sending any to daycare I really won't use it, so....I've cut down on the number of feedings lately. I'm down to 4 from 6.  He's been doing great with the lunches Janelle feeds him and I've been giving him real food dinner every night. After the reaction I haven't tried anything new but I've been giving him pasta, sandwiches, turkey burger bites, a few other things. Even though he only has 6 teeth, he chews things up pretty well. I think he might have another one coming in up top.

Whew...that was way longer than I thought and I keep having to fix the autocorrects...lol hope I got them all. Its driving me nuts!

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