Sunday, March 3, 2013

A Baby and His Daddy

So let me begin with a story about Eliseo and his Daddy.  Glenn makes Eliseo laugh more than anyone else.  He just adores his daddy.  So, I was eating dinner at the kitchen table, I must have been really into what I was eating, or possibly playing Words with Friends (more likely).  Eliseo and Glenn were playing on the floor together.  I could hear the laughter, E cracking up.  Last I saw he was crawling around on the vinyl flooring by the front door.  Side note...for some reason he loves playing on the little patch of hard vinyl flooring, even though the carpet is much softer and more comfortable.  Strange.  So anywho, I hear the giggling getting closer and closer to me.  I look down, there is Glenn crawling around with the back of Eliseo's overalls in his teeth, E still in them of course, dangling from his mouth.  It reminded me of Daddy monkey carrying the baby monkey around.  It was pretty damn funny.  I, however, did not get a picture to share.  Maybe they will have to relive the moment.  Thought I'd give you all that visual.  Glenn apparently has some pretty strong teeth.

The rest of the weekend flew by.  Monday morning already tomorrow.  BOOOOO!!!!  Glenn was supposed to have 3 day drill this weekend, but get this....he ETS'ed!!!!  For anyone who doesn't know what that means, it means that his contract ended this weekend, and he didn't re-enlist.  Yes, my husband is now officially a civilian, no longer in the Army.  I'm awfully proud of Sargeant Lyons, but I like Daddy even better.  I'm not really sure what led to his decision (although I suspect his name begins with E), he says it's just his time to get out.  At least he still gets to play with guns in his civilian career.  I'm happy with his decision, mainly because I've been through 2 deployments, and I can't imagine going through any more, especially now that we have E.  Twice within 3 years he was in Iraq and I had to live with this big gaping void in my life and pretend like that was normal.  Glenn helps me a lot with Eliseo, he's not one of those dads that doesn't show any interest in his baby.  He is very hands on.  He loves to take E with him on a Lowe's run, down to the station, basically anywhere he goes when he can.  When he gets home from daycare, Glenn watches him all afternoon so I can finish up work. Yes, sometimes we fight over who gets to hold him or play with him.  I'm glad for Eliseo that he won't have to learn what it's like to not have his daddy around for 12-15 months.  I think about how much Glenn could miss out on in Eliseo's life, being gone that long.  I'm sure that's what he thought of too when he decided not to re-up.  So, Sargeant Lyons is a historical figure.  Officer Lyons and Daddy are his only titles now. 

Food update, I finally made E eggs this weekend.  I made him hard boiled eggs once before; I pureed up with yolk with some water but it made this really gross pastey egg substance that coated his tongue...didn't look very good.  So this time I scrambled them (as I think I've mentioned previously I was going to do).  They went over pretty well, he wasn't sure what to do with the texture, because he gets mostly purees but he ate about half of what I made (I made 2).  Pretty standard for a new intro.  My pediatrician said that giving him a whole egg was OK, but all of my baby cookbooks say that I should only give him the yolk and wait on the whites until a yr old.  So, I just gave him the yolks.  I think he liked them OK.  He didn't down them like the broccoli, but we'll give it a few days and see. 

Other than shampooing the carpets, we didn't really have too much else going on this weekend.  Oh yeah, I went out with my mom to the casino on Friday night and won $17, so that was fun.  I was up about $90 in the first 10 minutes...but I stayed too long and gave most of it back.  At least I left with more than I went with, but I treated us to IHOP on the way home, a worthy way to spend my earnings...on pancakes.  That's all for tonight party people, he's to a good upcoming week! 


Betsy said...

Yay! I'm so thankful for the time Glenn served in the Army, but I'm also thankful that he won't have to be away from you or E for an extended amount of time. Enjoy all of your family time! :) Adorable pictures! I gave up Facebook for Lent so I get my cute-baby-pictures-fill via your blog. Haha! :)

Aimee said...

I gave up FB for Lent too so you aren't missing anything from me! Lol.

Aimee said...

I gave up FB for Lent too so you aren't missing anything from me! Lol.