Friday, March 8, 2013

Eliseo's First BooBoo

It was bound to happen...with crawling comes crashing.  And today, he crashed.

Eliseo didn't go to daycare again today because my babysitter has a sick daughter and she has been closed the last few days.  Which is OK, because I am lucky enough to work from home, and Glenn works nights so between us (and my mom helping out this week) we can handle a few days with Eliseo at home.  But, anytime I walk into the room, Eliseo cries for me if I don't pick him up.  So, if I don't have time to pick him up and spend some time with him, I try to stay up in my office.  Well, I just really wanted more coffee.  I had to host a conference call within 5 minutes and wanted a pick me up before I had to run it.  So I decided to take my chances.  I walked down the stairs slowly, trying to figure out where he was so that I could strategically make my entrance and exit.  I had to come all the way down and into the living room before I saw him, he was playing in the alcove between our laundy closet, basement door and coat closet.  Glenn was on the couch, Eliseo in his view.  He spots me.  He smiles at me, a big wide 'I love you Mommy' smile.  He loses his grip on the bouncy seat that he was using to hold himself up.  He hits his forehead on the corner of the wall.  He cries.  Hysterically.  But not just a little of those cries that is silent for the first 30 seconds, then is followed by a huge wail.  My poor baby :(.  So he is sporting a new bruise above his left eye.  And all day, he just kept running into things!  He must have hit the same spot 5 or 6 times.  Maybe it's time to tape pillows to all the corners or buy him a helmet.   

At least there were no stitches. 

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