Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Baby's First....

TEMPER TANTRUM!!!  It was a good one...I was very impressed with his committment to being pissed off.  He must get that from me, because his father is too laid back to reach that level of emotion.

So, let me tell you the story.  Warning: it involves boobs and teeth.  Well, what else is there to say, the little bugger bit me!  I mean, I get it...he didn't used to have teeth, and they are in very close proximity to my boobs when he eats.  But, this was not an accident.  Lately he's been pinching me when nursing, instinctual to get things moving along, if you get my gist.  But that hurts too.  So he was pinching and I kept grabbing his hands, his response being to push my hands away.  I guess he thought he'd show me he would win, so he chomped down.  Hard.  My response, you ask?  Well, first to yell "OUCH!!!" with urgency, then I took him off my lap and put him on the floor.  Clearly, he was not done eating.  Cue the tantrum.  And it went on and on...writhing on the floor, back arching, legs kicking, tears running....and any time he slowed down I would ask him if he was done, and that would start it all over again.  This went on oh, 20 minutes or so?  I knew the kid was hungry, and I was waiting for the moment to pass and for him to start behaving again so he didn't think he had gotten his way with this one!  You know, he never really forgot.  He was so mad at me for taking his food away.  Finally, after a while he calmed down enough for me to feel I could finish up his lunch.  But even then, he was irritated so I just closed up shop and gave the stinker some yogurt. 

I really , really, really hope that he learned his lesson not to bite his favorite food source anymore.  Cuz if that keeps up, we might be finishing up nursing just a little sooner than anticipated.

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