Saturday, March 30, 2013

We're in trouble now!!

So yesterday, I was sitting on the couch watching TV while E was playing around on the floor.  As usual, he was patting my arm from his position.  I look down and he's......STANDING????  Yes, yes, he was definitely standing.  He pulled himself up from his knees onto his feet and was patting me...Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy....look at me!  So picked him up, and he stands on my arm and balances there while he plays with the shutters.  When did he get old enough to stand up?  Shiznit is getting real around here!  Then, this morning he's crawling around, and he starts heading up the stairs.  YEAH...UP THE FREAKIN STAIRS!  Glenn told me he climbed up 4 yesterday ::shakes head in disbelief::  When did this all happen?  I swear it was yesterday we were sitting in the hospital swaddling him up in a blanket and wondering how our lives were going to change.  Well, here is how life has changed:  we now stub our toes climbing over baby gates, have had to remove all of the caps from our door stoppers (he likes to eat those...he likes to eat everything), and we sing the "Skida-ma-rink-e-dink-e-doo song 100 times in a day.  And we love every bit of it.  I guess the next pill we'll have to swallow is walking....
I almost forgot to dye Easter eggs!  I bought the coloring kit several weeks ago. I even hard boiled the eggs.  I was getting ready to bring Eliseo upstairs to put him to bed and realized I hadn't done it yet!  So we did a quick dye session, but I didn't take any pictures :( I'll take some tomorrow of our Easter morning. 
Happy Easter everyone!!!!

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