Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Operation Get Hot for Jamaica!!!

Oh yes, it is true my readers, we are going to Jamaica!  So this means, I have 5 months to shed the rest of "the pouch,"  firm up the buttocks, and look smokin in a new bikini!  I will settle for a tankini if I must, but the good news is I didn't get stretch marks on my belly with E....I think because I delivered him at 37 weeks I got lucky.  I was seeing the beginnings of them but if I'm happy about ANYTHING about being induced, it's the avoidance of stretch marks on my tummy.  My attempts at getting back into hard core running have been feeble, and promises of getting to the gym more than once a week, futile.  Diets?  HA.  You make me laugh.'s time.  Running shoes, get ready to stink again.  Gym key card, get ready to be swiped.  Cuz I don't want to cause hundreds of tourists to look away in pain.  No, I invite them to look at the HOT MAMA. 

So my friend Donna has been using Isagenix products, and she has lost over 100 pounds.  She lost most of the weight through diet and exercise, but she was having trouble shedding those last few pounds to reach her goal weight of 100 pounds, so she heard of Isagenix and started using the products.  A few weeks later, not only did she post that she reached her goal weight, but that she FORGOT to post it and she was PAST the 100 pound mark.  CRAZY!!  She swears by it.  I've seen her and her sister enjoying the results, and after much prodding, I have decided that I'm trying it.  So I bought the shakes, supplements, snacks....bring it on!  I've been drinking the shakes for 4 or 5 days now, but I've had to avoid some of the herbal supplements that help to detox and build energy because I am still nursing and don't want to affect my milk supply or pass anything on to E that isn't fully researched.  But Glenn has decided he'll help me with that, because he's decided he wants to try it too.  Oh yeah, we are gonna be turning heads I tell you!  LOL.  So I wrote down my beginning stats, and we shall see with the Isagenix and exercise where I can get in 5 months.  My first goal will be 135 lbs. 

Weight:  144 lbs
     Right bicep:  11 3/4"; left bicep:  11 1/4"
     Right thigh:  21";  left thigh:  19"
     Hip:  40 1/4"
     Waist:  33"
     Bust:  34 1/2"

So will Eliseo be going to Jamaica, you ask?  You betcha!!  Glenn took him to get his passport picture today, he is so freakin cute.  I attached it so you can see what I'm talkin about.  Like you don't already know he is cute.  :)  It will be a long day of travel, but I have all the faith in the world in my little man.  We are staying at an all-inclusive resort and don't really plan on spending too much time away from it.  I'm stoked!  The last real destination vacation Glenn and I took was to Hawaii right before he left for his second deployment in 2009.  We've traveled around a lot, but all trips to see family.  Commence Operation:  Get Hot for Jamaica!!

Dailies for E:  nothing much new, since he started his crawling and grew in his bottom teeth.  Just little things like shaking his head, high fiving, cracking up hysterically at the smallest of things....and crying anytime I walk into a room.  He used to smile when he saw me, now he just wants me to go hold him so he just cries.  He pulls himself up to his knees but not onto his feet yet.  He can stand while supported for about 10 seconds or so before he gets bored and sits down, but no steps or anything yet.  Baby gates.  Blocking every doorway.  He got his 9 month vaccines today because we switched insurance and finally got our cards so we could prove that we were covered.  Polio and Hep B.  He didn't like them.  Next appointment is shortly after his birthday.  We didn't get a weight for him today, but I think he's gained at least a pound since his 9 month checkup.  I guess I can put him on the scale at home and find out. 

That is all.  Until next time...

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