Thursday, March 7, 2013

Thank Goodness for Grammy!

Grammys are good.  Very good.  Especially when Mommys have to try to work while babies are wanting to be held, and wanting to play, and are not wanting Mommys to work.  I'm so happy that my mom has been in town, because circumstances have NOT been favorable for me to get quality time at work lately.  If it hadn't been for her saving me, I might still be working on last week's work.  Life. Saver.  Enough said.

Well, I really don't have a whole lot to fill you in on.  E's been perfecting his crawling, and he really likes to lay on his back and kick stuff.  He's got some pretty strong heels.  Glenn decided to use the ironing board as a baby gate today (still not sure why he didn't just use the baby gate...but that's Glenn) and E was so mad that he couldn't get in the kitchen to play with Snickers's water and food bowls.  So, he rolled onto his back and kicked the ironing board.  Get. This. Thing. Out. Of. My. Way.  (Each word with a kick). 

Food:  I went with the turnips.  Guess what?  Loves them.  Isn't it weird?  It's weird.  Does everyone's baby love turnips and all the other weird stuff?  Maybe we just aren't in the fussy stage yet.  I think he's gonna be just like his daddy...put food in front of him and he will just eat it.  Except peas.  What's next?  ::Perusing food list, points finger and lands randomly on...::  watermelon.  I also think its time to take on the chicken.  In our case, the egg came before the chicken (feeling corny tonight, I apologize).  I also think I'm going to introduce shredded cheese.  He's been picking up the cereal "Puffs" and I've been feeding him chunks of soft food, so I think he'll  have fun picking up the cheese and stuffing it in his mouth.  Watermelon, chicken and cheese.  Sounds good to me.  I'm reading here that I can start giving him fish...I bet he loves the fish.  Weird kid. 

Below pics:
1.  E playing underneath my chair at work.
2.  Clapping in action.
3.  Kicking the wall.
4.  Cuteness, such cuteness.

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