Sunday, September 2, 2012

Wiped out...

Another busy weekend has left us feeling wiped out, although I wonder where all the time went! Friday night was pretty tame. Glenn has been working a ton of secondary security shifts, he worked on Friday from 5-9. Since he's been working so much I tried to keep Eliseo awake until he got home, but E wasn't having it. I took him to bed and just as he was dozing off, Daddy walked in the door so of course he was up for another hour or so playing with him. I woke up early for yoga on Saturday morning,  it was just as well because E slept in and didn't need to eat until I got home. 

We went to the Toby Keith concert after all, I was concerned the remnants from Isaac would rain on us all night, but i bought a kick ass new golf umbrella that kept us dry, dry dry!  We had a great time. My nephew's wife Shawnna watched Eliseo for us. It was the first time he was away from me for bedtime, and he didn't really know what to do. He wouldn't fall asleep for her! We have our routine,  including nursing, night lights and nursing and I guess without these things there is nothing that triggers sleepy time for him at night. We picked him up after midnight and he was still awake. Even a ride in the car for a Taco Bell run didn't put him to sleep. Actually quite the opposite, it was the first meltdown in the car he's had in a while. I always feel guilty in those scenarios because I knew he would be overtired and want to nurse, but I gambled on it anyway and he let me know he wasn't happy about it. We fell asleep on the couch pushing 2am. He woke me around 7 to eat and then we napped until 10am and up for church. The service was one of those that spoke to me, feeling like God knew exactly what I needed today. E slept through most of it. We went to breakfast as a family and then Glenn and I attempted to finish some projects around the house. I decided to finish the guest bathroom project...Glenn installed a new cabinet for a linen closet and little odds and ends needed to be completed aka painting and trim work. Eliseo didn't want me to work though...he just wanted to be held today. It was challenging to say the least to get it done, it took about 6 hours to get about 2 hours worth of work done. Oh well, at least I got most of it done. He was definitely crabby tired today. So I gave him a bath and put him to sleep, he was out within 15 minutes of nursing. I'm happy to have tomorrow off for labor day, maybe I'll get more done.

The picture is of E ready for church. He looked so cute with his little shoes on!!

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