Thursday, September 6, 2012

4 month check up

Can you believe it?? How do I have a 4 month old baby already? So today was his 4 month check up. Unfortunately I had to take him all by myself moral support for the shots :(. The pediatrician gave me props for sticking with the nursing since Eliseo wasn't very good at it at first...he loved nursing but he was a grazer and napper while nursing so he fell off the growth chart for a visit. I used to have to undress him, tickle his feet, rub his head...I was using shields since he had trouble latching at first and apparently they weren't helping his intake, so I ditched the shields, only took a week or so to wean him off of those and since then he's been gaining weight like crazy. Well, at least he's back on the charts at tenth percentile.  She says I can start introducing solids, but I really love nursing and don't think I'm ready quite yet...little by little I guess. I just hope he still wants the boobies after he has real food. I shouldn't worry...he is a boy after all.

So here are the stats:
Weight: 12 lbs 6 oz. 10th %
Height: 24". 25th %
Head circumference: 15 1/2": 3rd % (we all have small heads in my family).
4 shots and an oral injection. Mommy only had a few tears but they didn't escape the eyes. 

Everything else was great, good head control, development is right on track. Next checkup in 2 months for the 6 month mark. This time I will make Glenn go with me...I don't like those shots! I just keep kissing his little face until they are over. Within a minute he forgets about them anyway. And no fever...yay!!

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