Monday, September 17, 2012

Boring weekend

It was boring and I'll take it. A lot of alone time for me and Eliseo because Glenn worked to make up for 3 day drill last weekend. To be honest. I don't even know where the weekend went! Eliseo was pretty sick so he did a lot of sleeping. He barely slept on Thursday night when he came down with this nasty cold so he made up for it on Friday.  Saturday I started off the day with yoga, then E and I went to the grocery store...filled both gas tanks then went to church. I tried to have him in bed early Saturday so he could get more rest. Sunday we slept in until 10, then I caught up on reading my Kindle while E rested some more. When Glenn woke up we went for a walk around the neighborhood then he was off to work again. I got the house cleaned up. In bed relatively early again...Eliseo fell asleep while Skyping with my sister so I finished up my book and that was our weekend...boring right??? I think I meant to do more but it was nice to cuddle with E and read a book. I'm pretty sure that soon he'll be crawling and grown up books will be a luxury!!

I did have some highlights to the weekend. I worked on my budget and found we are a little ahead this year. I'm such a budget nerd. But I finished the budget through the end of the year and we are trying to figure out how we would like to pay forward some of the gifts we feel we received this year. We have been truly blessed and have some extra money that doesn't have a bucket in the budget. We've been starting to save for E's college, we can certainly put it there but I feel like I want to help someone in a way that would touch their lives deeply. Some ideas are on the horizon. I also feel like I shared some wisdom from life experiences and hope that I helped restore hope for someone. Pay it forward....

That's all for now...E is rolling around on the floor and I think he's going to roll over any second! If so, there may be another post tonight!

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