Sunday, September 30, 2012

Back to life, Back to reality...

We are back from Phoenix now. I am sad, but still happy to be home. Being out of your routine somehow makes you appreciate your routine sometimes.
Eliseo had the best time! He got to meet his Grandma Marina, Uncle Edgar, Aunt Bernadette, Aunt Rachel, Uncle Cesar, cousins Mariana, Dominic, Andre, Lindsay, Mario, Marina and Edan, also so many of Mommy and Daddy's friends: Aunt Alicia and Uncle Graeme, Aunt Ceci, Aunt Jolene, Uncle Danny, Aunt Sheri, Uncle Kevin, Jimmy, Shelly, Brandy and then friends near his own age: Dakota, Dalton, Trysten, Destiny, Tyler and Kensie. It was a terrific, whirlwind week! Two more plane rides down, both went extremely well. I couldn't be prouder of my baby boy. Countless people told us how good our little man was, not to mention how cute.
Our plans to stay with Glenn's brother fell through, but with some quick thinking I found us a pretty amazing resort in Scottsdale for a bargain price! It was so nice, like having our own 1 bedroom apartment complete with a full kitchen, washer/dryer, huge bathroom, and amenities galore. Instead of a visit it felt more like a vacation. Totally worth it! We spent a lot of time at the pool, E actually went in the pool, which he enjoyed (well he didn't cry so we assumed he liked it). I'll post some pics in the next few days.

Friday, September 21, 2012


So glad this work week is over. It was a humdinger. I enjoy my job when it's all said and done, but it can be really stressful to get to the rewarding part. I always am super stressed the day before vacation, today was no exception. As a result of my "great work" this week, I get to work for a few hours tomorrow. I left a few things for myself to do during my project call, I just hope I don't wind up working all day tomorrow too! I have a lot of errands to run before we are Phoenix bound on Monday! Never enough hours in the day...looking forward to hanging out at the resort in Scottsdale and some downtime!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

We have a roll over!!

Look out child is rolling over! Ok well he rolled over once, and I got to see him do it. But now that Daddy's here, I can't get him to do it again. Glenn thinks I'm a big liar! I know he'll do it again and again...but I think it's cool that I got to see him do it the first time :). My big boy!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

This cold is still hanging on

Still a bunch of yuckiness coming out of my little man's nose...he seemed to be feeling better today until I paid my nephew a visit for his birthday. Eliseo fell asleep in the back seat but when he woke up he was uncontrollably crying to the point where he would gag and cough. He was hysterical the whole ride home, so when I got home I gave him the Little Noses saline drops then sucked out all the yuckies with the bulb thingy. He didn't like it but we got some good boogies out. Then we nursed and he was happy again. So Mommy knew what to do...this time. I had taken a shower before I left the house and he was in the bathroom in his swing so I think the steam broke up some phlegm, then I figure the position of the car seat caused all that to go down his throat. Poor baby, he broke my heart with those big real tears. He's sleeping now and seems to be comfortable. Now let's hope he sleeps through the night.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Fell asleep skyping

Boring weekend

It was boring and I'll take it. A lot of alone time for me and Eliseo because Glenn worked to make up for 3 day drill last weekend. To be honest. I don't even know where the weekend went! Eliseo was pretty sick so he did a lot of sleeping. He barely slept on Thursday night when he came down with this nasty cold so he made up for it on Friday.  Saturday I started off the day with yoga, then E and I went to the grocery store...filled both gas tanks then went to church. I tried to have him in bed early Saturday so he could get more rest. Sunday we slept in until 10, then I caught up on reading my Kindle while E rested some more. When Glenn woke up we went for a walk around the neighborhood then he was off to work again. I got the house cleaned up. In bed relatively early again...Eliseo fell asleep while Skyping with my sister so I finished up my book and that was our weekend...boring right??? I think I meant to do more but it was nice to cuddle with E and read a book. I'm pretty sure that soon he'll be crawling and grown up books will be a luxury!!

I did have some highlights to the weekend. I worked on my budget and found we are a little ahead this year. I'm such a budget nerd. But I finished the budget through the end of the year and we are trying to figure out how we would like to pay forward some of the gifts we feel we received this year. We have been truly blessed and have some extra money that doesn't have a bucket in the budget. We've been starting to save for E's college, we can certainly put it there but I feel like I want to help someone in a way that would touch their lives deeply. Some ideas are on the horizon. I also feel like I shared some wisdom from life experiences and hope that I helped restore hope for someone. Pay it forward....

That's all for now...E is rolling around on the floor and I think he's going to roll over any second! If so, there may be another post tonight!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Feeling a little better

Eliseo seems to be doing better today, yay!  Still lots of shot and coughing but not as bad as yesterday. He (which means me too) didn't sleep much last night, but he sure made up for that today. Mom, on the other hand, had to work and didn't get to sleep in :/. He woke up every couple of hours last night until 7am then he slept with Daddy until 11, ate lunch then slept until 4! But that's not all...after I was done with work I needed a nap, so we snuck another one in from 5:30 to 7:30. Hopefully he will sleep tonight cuz I know I will!

By the appears I have a thumb sucker. No binky, thumb all the way, so I guess we'll see...

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Poor baby...

My little monkey is a little sicky today :(. He's been feeling crappy all day. Very congested, snotty nose, clammy...I have the humidifier going, baby Vicks on the feet with socks, and I gave him saline drops, but when I sprayed one in his nose, he basically gagged on it then threw up everything he had just eaten. Did I do it wrong? It took a while for me to get him to sleep and he keeps waking up in a full on cry. I feel so bad for my baby. I wish I could just make him all better. Both of my babies have been sick now in the past week. Hopefully the big babies (me and Glenn) don't jump on the sick bandwagon.

Glenn is working the next 7 nights in a row :/. Not even secondary work, but 7 full 12 hour shifts in the Ridge. That's a lot of alone time for me and E. I hope he slows down with work cuz I feel like he's missing out on a lot of quality time with Eliseo. Done get me wrong,,, I'm glad he's a hard worker, but we aren't in the position where we need extra money and I wish he would learn to say no to work sometimes.  I'm the same way though, it's just different now that we have a monkey to think about.

All for tonight. Wish us luck that we get some sleep tonight. Zzzz....

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


I think my little man's teeth are starting to come in under the gums. I done think we are anywhere near cutting through but it's obvious that his gums are bothering him. And the drooling...

Teeth or not, one thing is for sure. He came down with a cough tonite and it seems to have gotten worse as the night goes on.  Lots of shot, coughing, stuffiness :(. Hopefully it clears up soon.

I bought tickets for Phoenix today, so to my AZ peeps, we will be seeing you soon. I think I need to start writing earlier cuz I'm just always so beat when I sir down to blog. Forgive me....for another short and random blog. Goodnight!!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Back to normal

Thanks to everyone who sent well wishes for Snickers, she is feeling much better now! I get so anxious these days when she isn't feeling well since she had her grand mal seizure a few years ago. Coupled with Eliseo not feeling great from shots after effects and Glenn's being away at Ft Leonardwood for 3 day drill, I kinda had a meltdown. But it gave me a chance to test out my new Dirt Devil spot scrubber at least, cleaning up 20 spots of dog puke. Anyhow, we haven't gotten the results of her blood tests yet, hopefully it was either just a 24 hour bug, or even an easily treatable parasite from the " bunny murderer" incident. But everything is back to normal for the moment.

On another note, I'm seriously contemplating starting Eliseo on some cereal and fruit/veggies this week. It just seems like such a big commitment and I done know if I'm ready for it yet. I'll have to bust out the Baby Bullet and start getting things organized.

Sorry for the quick post, its attempt #3 or 4 and each time I've written it, its become less and less detailed. All for tonight, time for bed!

This blogger app is irritating me!

Ok 3 of my last 4 posts I've done from my tablet and it has crashed and I lose my post. I guess maybe because the pictures are too large with the text? So now I'll be posting the pics first and following up with the recap. Lets hope this works cuz I done use my pc much anymore, especially for pictures.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

This post is not meant to be

Tried to post twice now from my tablet and I think I'm trying to attach too many pictures or something. Ill update you all on Snickers when I use the big girl computer, maybe tomorrow. At least I will try to post some pics now. I've spent so much time writing out 2 posts and my app keeps crashing. Tired now so these will have to do.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

4 month check up

Can you believe it?? How do I have a 4 month old baby already? So today was his 4 month check up. Unfortunately I had to take him all by myself moral support for the shots :(. The pediatrician gave me props for sticking with the nursing since Eliseo wasn't very good at it at first...he loved nursing but he was a grazer and napper while nursing so he fell off the growth chart for a visit. I used to have to undress him, tickle his feet, rub his head...I was using shields since he had trouble latching at first and apparently they weren't helping his intake, so I ditched the shields, only took a week or so to wean him off of those and since then he's been gaining weight like crazy. Well, at least he's back on the charts at tenth percentile.  She says I can start introducing solids, but I really love nursing and don't think I'm ready quite yet...little by little I guess. I just hope he still wants the boobies after he has real food. I shouldn't worry...he is a boy after all.

So here are the stats:
Weight: 12 lbs 6 oz. 10th %
Height: 24". 25th %
Head circumference: 15 1/2": 3rd % (we all have small heads in my family).
4 shots and an oral injection. Mommy only had a few tears but they didn't escape the eyes. 

Everything else was great, good head control, development is right on track. Next checkup in 2 months for the 6 month mark. This time I will make Glenn go with me...I don't like those shots! I just keep kissing his little face until they are over. Within a minute he forgets about them anyway. And no fever...yay!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

4 months old

Well it is official, Eliseo is 4 months old (by about 4 days now). I cant believe how much he has grown, both physically and mentally. He goes in for his 4 month checkup on Thursday. I wonder how much he'll weigh and how long he is now. If I were to venture a guess, I'd say about about 12.5 pounds. I guessed his birth weight on the nose, so we'll see if I can go 2 for 2. I'm still waiting for him to roll over, I thought he'd do it by now but he stopped trying so much. Now it's a lot of smiling and laughter and cooing. I think he's starting to get some teeth under his gums, he's been chewing his hands a lot and anything else he can get his hands on.

All for now, I'll post his new stats on Thursday and any major developments between now and then. By the way, sorry for the upside down pic the other day. The original is right side up and I cant fix it.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Wiped out...

Another busy weekend has left us feeling wiped out, although I wonder where all the time went! Friday night was pretty tame. Glenn has been working a ton of secondary security shifts, he worked on Friday from 5-9. Since he's been working so much I tried to keep Eliseo awake until he got home, but E wasn't having it. I took him to bed and just as he was dozing off, Daddy walked in the door so of course he was up for another hour or so playing with him. I woke up early for yoga on Saturday morning,  it was just as well because E slept in and didn't need to eat until I got home. 

We went to the Toby Keith concert after all, I was concerned the remnants from Isaac would rain on us all night, but i bought a kick ass new golf umbrella that kept us dry, dry dry!  We had a great time. My nephew's wife Shawnna watched Eliseo for us. It was the first time he was away from me for bedtime, and he didn't really know what to do. He wouldn't fall asleep for her! We have our routine,  including nursing, night lights and nursing and I guess without these things there is nothing that triggers sleepy time for him at night. We picked him up after midnight and he was still awake. Even a ride in the car for a Taco Bell run didn't put him to sleep. Actually quite the opposite, it was the first meltdown in the car he's had in a while. I always feel guilty in those scenarios because I knew he would be overtired and want to nurse, but I gambled on it anyway and he let me know he wasn't happy about it. We fell asleep on the couch pushing 2am. He woke me around 7 to eat and then we napped until 10am and up for church. The service was one of those that spoke to me, feeling like God knew exactly what I needed today. E slept through most of it. We went to breakfast as a family and then Glenn and I attempted to finish some projects around the house. I decided to finish the guest bathroom project...Glenn installed a new cabinet for a linen closet and little odds and ends needed to be completed aka painting and trim work. Eliseo didn't want me to work though...he just wanted to be held today. It was challenging to say the least to get it done, it took about 6 hours to get about 2 hours worth of work done. Oh well, at least I got most of it done. He was definitely crabby tired today. So I gave him a bath and put him to sleep, he was out within 15 minutes of nursing. I'm happy to have tomorrow off for labor day, maybe I'll get more done.

The picture is of E ready for church. He looked so cute with his little shoes on!!